
Dear Esteemed Electorates of Nyakach Constituency,

As a candidate for Nyakach constituency, I am fully committed to ensuring that every child has access to quality education, regardless of their background or financial circumstances. I understand the challenges facing our education system, particularly the limited availability of bursaries for tertiary and secondary school students. To address these issues and meet the expectations of our community, I have developed a comprehensive plan for education that encompasses the following key initiatives:

1. Expanding Bursary Programs : I will work tirelessly to expand bursary programs to include not only tertiary and secondary school students but also primary school children. It is essential to support students at every stage of their educational journey to ensure they have the resources they need to succeed.

2. Diversifying Scholarship Opportunities : In addition to traditional bursaries, I will explore alternative scholarship opportunities, including merit-based scholarships, need-based grants, and scholarships for special talents or academic excellence. By diversifying scholarship options, we can reach a broader range of students and provide support where it is needed most.

3. Enhancing Vocational Training: Recognizing the importance of vocational education in preparing students for the workforce, I will prioritize the enhancement of vocational training programs in Nyakach constituency. This includes partnering with technical institutions and industry stakeholders to offer relevant skills training and certification programs in high-demand fields.

4. Improving School Infrastructure: I am committed to investing in the improvement of school infrastructure, including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and sanitation facilities. Every child deserves a safe and conducive learning environment, and I will work tirelessly to ensure that our schools are equipped to meet the needs of students and teachers alike.

5. Promoting Digital Literacy: In today’s digital age, it is crucial to equip students with the necessary digital literacy skills to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. I will advocate for the integration of technology into the curriculum and provide training for teachers to effectively utilize digital tools in the classroom.

6. Supporting Teachers and Staff: Our teachers and educational staff play a vital role in shaping the future of our children. I will prioritize initiatives aimed at supporting and empowering teachers, including professional development opportunities, competitive salaries, and access to resources and support services.

7. Community Engagement and Participation : Education is a collective endeavor that requires the involvement of parents, community leaders, and stakeholders. I will actively engage with the community to solicit feedback, foster collaboration, and ensure that education remains a top priority for Nyakach constituency.

By implementing these proactive measures and working collaboratively with stakeholders, we can build a brighter future for the children of Nyakach constituency and ensure that every child has the opportunity to realize their full potential through education.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to serving you diligently if elected.

Collins Odhiambo Lusi
Candidate for Nyakach Constituency




  1. There are many things more precious than money

It is easy to be enslaved by the mindset that money is the most imperative treasure in society. Money is always transient, just like most things in life. It comes and goes, but how much are you willing to pay for the fleeting pleasure? The consequences of a money-mentality are much more damaging than the value of money itself. Are you willing to put your mental, emotional, and physical well-being on the line? There are things more precious than money. Here are a few:
-Genuine connections
-A feeling of purpose
-Genuine concern for helping others
-Eddie says, “there are many things in this world that no amount of money will buy you, and some things are priceless beyond measure.”

  1. Weakness can be turned into hatred

Weak people lack the ability to maintain any level of emotional intelligence. People who lack emotional intelligence and a strong sense of self are easily influenced to hate. Their values and convictions are not based on strong foundations; rather, they are proponents of radical causes. Hatred is a disease that consumes the human mind to the point of no return, causing significant harm to oneself and others.

“If enough people had stood up then come on Kristallnacht, and said, ‘enough what are you doing? What is wrong with you?’ then the course of history would have been different. but they did not. they were scared they were weak, and their weakness allowed them to be manipulated into hatred ” — Eddie Jaku

  1. Tomorrow will come if you survive. one step at a time

The majority of people give up because they feel the suffering will never end. They relinquish control because their vision is clouded by minor inconveniences rather than the bigger picture.

“The closer you get to something, the blurrier it gets,” as the saying goes. Be well-rounded, logical, and foresighted. Nothing on it has the word “forever” written on it.

  1. You can find kindness everywhere, even from strangers

If you take a step out of your own world for even a moment, you will notice that you are not alone. The most serious problem is that we cannot talk freely about ourselves, our lives, and our issues. You are not alone in the universe. There are people who would happily assist you if you were willing to be vulnerable.

  1. One good friend

“The greatest thing you will ever do is be loved by another person” — repeat this sentence until you realise that love and friendship are the best medicine.

I cannot emphasise this enough, especially to young people. Without friendship, a human being is lost. A friend is someone who reminds you to feel alive.

  1. Education is a lifesaver

I do not mean formal education when I use the word “education”. Yes, formal education is fantastic and brings great opportunities, but life education is much more critical. Understanding the laws of human nature, being mindful of worldviews, and knowing how to connect so that your voice is heard are all examples of life education. To be self-sufficient and not depend on others for a good life.

You may not be able to change the world because it is beyond your power, but you can change yourself. Change is possible, despite what you can believe, but it requires discipline.

President Ebrahim Raisi’s Death: What Are the Political and International Perspectives for the Islamic Republic of Iran?

The disappearance of Iran’s President and Foreign Minister on May 19th, 2024 in a helicopter crash has sent shockwaves through the country. Against a backdrop of regional destabilisation and renewed tensions, particularly with Israel, the election of a new president is imperative, and the death of Ebrahim Raissi also raises questions about Supreme Leader Ali Khameini’s future prospects for the country. What reactions has the death of the President provoked among the Iranian people? In the run-up to the presidential elections on 28 June, what are the political and geopolitical prospects for Iran? Thierry Coville, Research Fellow at IRIS, provides some answers.

How was the news of Ebrahim Raisi’s death and the circumstances surrounding it received in Iran? What can we learn from his presidency?

The news of President Ebrahim Raisi’s death on May 19th, 2024 after a helicopter crash in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province came as a political shock, as it would have in any country where a similar incident had taken place. The first reaction of the authorities, and in particular of the Leader Ali Khameini, was to assure them that there would be no consequences for the running of the country. The first vice-president, Mohamed Mokhber, was appointed as interim president pending new presidential elections at the end of June 2024. It should be noted that he was the director of one of Iran’s largest foundations (bonyads), Setad Edjrâi Farman Imam, i.e. parastatal bodies which own numerous companies, pay no tax and report only to the Leader. This appointment therefore confirms the economic and political weight of this parastatal sector (comprising the bonyads and companies working for the Pasdaran) in the Islamic Republic of Iran. An investigation has also been launched by the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Mohamad Bâqeri, to determine the causes of the accident. All that can be said on this subject is that Iran’s civil and military air fleet is ageing (one of the « oldest » in the world…): US sanctions are limiting Iran’s ability to purchase aircraft and spare parts. It should be remembered that US sanctions are preventing Iran from buying Airbus, since at least 10% of the components for this aircraft are manufactured in the United States. There is therefore a real risk to passenger safety: the Aviation Safety Network noted in 2022 that there had been nearly 1,800 accidents since the revolution.

During his presidency, Ebrahim Raisi has shown himself to be a faithful executor of the directives of the Guide Ali Khameini. Unlike previous presidents, there was not a single moment when there was any sign of disagreement between the Guide and Ebrahim Raisi. Obviously, the President will be remembered for his ferocious repression of the « Women, Life, Freedom » protest movement in 2022 (with more than 500 people killed on the demonstrators’ side), and for his inability to provide any response other than a security response to this crisis. This repression accentuated the « rifts » in Iranian society and explains why a number of people, in particular members of the families of the victims of this repression, openly rejoiced at the death of the President. Other critics focus on his economic policy. Ebrahim Raissi was elected on the promise that he would improve Iran’s economic situation, explaining that the former president, Hassan Rohani, was wrong to link all the difficulties facing the Iranian economy to the re-imposition of US sanctions after Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the agreement in 2018. However, despite these promises, inflation has remained very high in Iran since his election: it has been close to 50% since 2021, but has slowed to almost 30% at the beginning of 2024. Ebrahim Raissi therefore found himself at odds with his pre-election rhetoric, only to find that he could not really reduce inflation as long as US sanctions were in place. The Iranian President can also be accused of making mistakes in terms of economic policy, such as abolishing foreign exchange subsidies on imports of essential products in 2022 (wheat, oil, medicines), which has led to an acceleration of already high inflation.

What political consequences can we expect in Iran when Ebrahim Raisi was « tipped » to succeed Ayatollah Khamenei and elections are due to be held on 28 June?

We must remain cautious on this subject. It is true that Ebrahim Raisi was mentioned as one of the possible candidates to succeed Leader Ali Khameini. On the other hand, he was not the only one. Some also believe that his « poor » economic record as President may have weighed on his credibility as the Guide’s future replacement. On the other hand, since the 1979 revolution, certain personalities have often been mentioned as possible successors to the Leader, only to find that these same people had fallen from grace some time later. What is certain is that Guide Ali Khameini’s succession, when it comes, will be a major event on the Iranian political scene. In this respect, it is worth noting that the Assembly of Experts, whose mission is to choose the new Leader and of which Ebrahim Raisi was a member, has just held its first meeting after the March 2024 elections, which defined its new composition. All its members agree on a radical political line, defending above all the principle of Velayat-eh faqih (the superiority of the religious over the political) and all personalities who do not meet this condition, such as former President Hassan Rohani, have been excluded.

As far as the forthcoming presidential elections are concerned, everything will depend on the choices made by the Leader Ali Khameini. If he considers that the country’s overall strategy should remain the same, then he will favour the candidacy of a profile similar to that of Ebrahim Raisi, i.e. a radical who will continue the policies pursued previously, particularly in terms of repression and the compulsory veiling of women. Alternatively, he may feel that the political crisis that Iran has been experiencing since 2022 should not be allowed to continue, and that it is therefore necessary to appoint someone capable of taking a slightly more pragmatic approach capable of limiting the rift between the government and a large part of society, while maintaining the ongoing dialogue with the United States on regional conflicts and nuclear issues. In any case, the future president will be close to the radical line defending the Velayat-eh faqih.

In a particularly tense regional climate, could a change of presidency really weaken Iran on the international stage and increase the current instability in the Middle East?

This remains unlikely. Iran’s regional strategy is primarily defined by Ali Khameini and his advisers. In fact, Ali Bagheri Kani, who was appointed as interim foreign minister after the death of Hossein Amir Abdollahian (who also died in the helicopter crash), can be considered to be part of the movement defending the Velayat-eh faqih and the « Axis of Resistance ». He was campaign manager for Said Djalili, a well-known figure in this movement, during the 2013 presidential elections. He was also in charge of nuclear negotiations in the Raissi government, which shows just how important this issue remains for Iran.

Iran’s international strategy will continue to be marked by the objective of defending the Axis of Resistance, while gradually strengthening its previously strained ties with Gulf Cooperation Council countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. On the international stage, the priority is to maintain contacts with the United States, in particular to limit the risk of conflicts in the region « getting out of hand » and with a view to « future » negotiations on the nuclear issue. It is worth noting that all the leaders of this « Axis of Resistance » were present at Ebrahim Raissi’s funeral in Tehran and that Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait sent their foreign ministers.

The Impact of African Presidential Visits to the United States: Benefits for Both Sides

Presidential visits from African nations to the United States have played pivotal roles in shaping bilateral relations, fostering economic growth, and enhancing political stability. These high-level engagements have had significant impacts on the visiting countries and have provided mutual benefits to the U.S. Here, we explore the tangible outcomes of such visits by leaders from Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, and Tunisia.

John Kufuor’s Visit to the United States in 2008: Benefits for Ghana

During the Visit:

After the Visit:

  1. Infrastructure Development: The MCC funds were pivotal in improving Ghana’s infrastructure, particularly in the energy and transportation sectors, which has contributed to sustained economic growth.
  2. Agricultural Modernization: Investments in agriculture have boosted productivity, enhanced food security, and increased farmers’ incomes.

Current Benefits:

  1. Ongoing Partnerships: Ghana continues to benefit from robust bilateral relations with the U.S., including trade agreements, development aid, and educational exchanges.
  2. Sustainable Development: The long-term impacts of U.S. funding are evident in Ghana’s stable and growing economy.

Benefits to the United States and President George W. Bush:

  1. Strategic Partnership: Strengthening relations with Ghana, a stable democracy in West Africa, supported U.S. interests in regional stability and economic growth.
  2. Political Gains: This partnership highlighted Bush’s commitment to global development, enhancing his domestic and international standing.

President Kibaki’s Visit to the United States in 2003: Benefits for Kenya

During the Visit:

  1. Economic Aid: President Kibaki’s 2003 visit resulted in increased economic assistance from the U.S., aimed at supporting governance reforms and economic development in Kenya.
  2. Trade Relations: The visit promoted trade relations under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), facilitating Kenyan exports to the U.S.

After the Visit:

  1. Governance Improvements: U.S. support helped implement governance reforms, enhancing transparency and accountability in Kenya.
  2. Economic Development: Investments in infrastructure, health, and education spurred economic growth and improved living standards.

Current Benefits:

  1. Sustained Economic Growth: Kenya continues to benefit from strong economic ties with the U.S., receiving ongoing aid and investment for development projects.
  2. Enhanced Trade: Kenyan exporters still benefit from AGOA, boosting their access to the U.S. market.

Benefits to the United States and President George W. Bush:

  1. Strengthening Democracy: Supporting Kibaki’s administration helped the U.S. promote democratic values and good governance in Africa.
  2. Strategic Ally: Kenya’s strategic location and role in regional security were critical to U.S. interests in East Africa, especially concerning counter-terrorism efforts.

Nelson Mandela’s Visit to the United States in 1994: Benefits for South Africa

During the Visit:

  1. International Support: Nelson Mandela’s 1994 visit garnered significant international support for South Africa’s new democratic government, aiding its reintegration into the global community.
  2. Economic Sanctions Lifted: The visit helped lift economic sanctions imposed during the apartheid era, opening South Africa to international trade and investment.

After the Visit:

  1. Foreign Investment: The lifting of sanctions led to a surge in foreign investment, aiding economic recovery and development.
  2. Political Stability: International support bolstered South Africa’s transition to a stable, democratic governance system.

Current Benefits:

  1. Global Partnerships: South Africa enjoys strong international partnerships and receives ongoing support for economic and social development programs.
  2. Tourism Boost: Mandela’s legacy continues to attract international tourists, contributing to the economy.

Benefits to the United States and President Bill Clinton:

  1. Promoting Democracy: Clinton’s support for Mandela underscored the U.S. commitment to promoting democracy and human rights worldwide.
  2. Improved Global Image: Aligning with Mandela’s widely admired leadership boosted Clinton’s image domestically and internationally.

President Shehu Shagari’s Visit to the United States in 1983: Benefits for Nigeria

During the Visit:

  1. Economic and Military Aid: President Shehu Shagari’s visit focused on securing economic and military aid to support Nigeria’s development and security needs.
  2. Strengthened Diplomatic Relations: The visit reinforced Nigeria’s diplomatic ties with the U.S., promoting mutual interests.

After the Visit:

  1. Development Projects: Economic aid was utilized for infrastructure, education, and healthcare projects, improving public services.
  2. Enhanced Security: Military cooperation improved Nigeria’s security capabilities, addressing both internal and regional challenges.

Current Benefits:

  1. Ongoing Support: Nigeria continues to receive economic and security assistance from the U.S., aiding its development and stability.
  2. Economic Partnerships: Strong bilateral relations facilitate trade and investment, contributing to economic growth.

Benefits to the United States and President Ronald Reagan:

  1. Strategic Partnership: Strengthening ties with Nigeria, a major oil producer, was vital for U.S. energy interests.
  2. Regional Influence: Supporting Nigeria’s development and stability bolstered U.S. influence in West Africa.

President Anwar Sadat’s Visit to the United States in 1979: Benefits for Egypt

During the Visit:

  1. Camp David Accords: President Anwar Sadat’s visit culminated in the signing of the Camp David Accords, leading to a peace treaty with Israel and substantial U.S. economic and military aid.
  2. Economic Aid: The U.S. provided significant economic aid to support Egypt’s development and as a reward for the peace agreement.

After the Visit:

  1. Peace and Stability: The peace treaty with Israel brought regional stability, allowing Egypt to focus on internal development.
  2. Economic Growth: The economic aid facilitated numerous development projects, modernizing Egypt’s infrastructure and improving living standards.

Current Benefits:

  1. Strategic Alliance: Egypt remains a key U.S. ally in the Middle East, receiving ongoing economic and military assistance.
  2. Development Support: Continued U.S. aid supports Egypt’s economic and social development programs.
  1. Economic Partnerships: President John Kufuor’s visit in 2008 was instrumental in strengthening economic ties between Ghana and the U.S. This visit paved the way for increased foreign direct investment and trade opportunities, benefiting Ghana’s economy.
  2. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact: Ghana secured substantial funding from the MCC, which was earmarked for infrastructure development, agricultural improvements, and poverty reduction initiatives.

Benefits to the United States and President Jimmy Carter:

  1. Middle East Peace: Facilitating the Camp David Accords was a significant diplomatic achievement for Carter, enhancing his international reputation.
  2. Strategic Interests: Securing peace between Egypt and Israel stabilized a volatile region, aligning with U.S. strategic interests.

President Habib Bourguiba’s Visit to the United States in 1961: Benefits for Tunisia

During the Visit:

  1. Economic and Military Aid: President Habib Bourguiba’s visit resulted in increased economic and military aid from the U.S., supporting Tunisia’s development and security.
  2. Strengthened Diplomatic Relations: The visit reinforced Tunisia’s diplomatic ties with the U.S., promoting cooperation in various sectors.

After the Visit:

  1. Development Projects: Economic aid was utilized for infrastructure, education, and healthcare improvements, enhancing public services.
  2. Security Enhancements: Military aid improved Tunisia’s defense capabilities, contributing to national security.

Current Benefits:

  1. Strong Bilateral Relations: Tunisia continues to enjoy strong bilateral relations with the U.S., benefiting from ongoing economic and security support.
  2. Economic Growth: U.S. aid and investment contribute to Tunisia’s economic stability and development.

Benefits to the United States and President John F. Kennedy:

  1. Promoting Stability: Supporting Tunisia’s development and security aligned with U.S. interests in promoting stability in North Africa.
  2. Cold War Strategy: Strengthening ties with Tunisia was part of the broader U.S. strategy to counter Soviet influence in the region.

Common Trends and Political Benefits:

Common Trends:

  1. Economic and Military Aid: Each visit often resulted in economic and military aid aimed at supporting the development and security of the visiting president’s country.
  2. Strengthened Bilateral Relations: These visits reinforced diplomatic ties, promoting cooperation in trade, investment, and development.
  3. International Support: Visits helped garner international support for domestic policies and reforms in the visiting countries.

Benefits to U.S. Presidents:

  1. Strategic Alliances: Strengthening ties with African nations supported U.S. strategic interests in various regions.
  2. Promotion of Democracy and Stability: Supporting governance reforms and economic development aligned with U.S. values and foreign policy goals.
  3. Domestic Political Gains: Hosting African leaders showcased the U.S. commitment to global development, potentially enhancing the domestic and international standing of the U.S. presidents.

Second Term Elections:

  • Mixed Outcomes: While some U.S. presidents who hosted African leaders won their second terms (e.g., Reagan, Clinton), others did not (e.g., Carter).

Individual Benefits:

  1. Political Capital: African presidents often returned home with enhanced political capital, having secured vital aid and international support.
  2. Personal Networks: These visits helped leaders build personal networks that could be beneficial for future diplomatic or business endeavors.


The visits of African presidents to the United States have yielded substantial benefits for their countries, from economic aid and development projects to strengthened diplomatic relations. These visits also benefited U.S. presidents by promoting strategic alliances, democracy, and stability, even though their impact on re-election outcomes varied. Both African and U.S. leaders gained political capital and valuable networks from these interactions, highlighting the enduring importance of diplomatic engagements in fostering global development and cooperation.

Combating Corruption and Promoting Development: A Call to Action for County Governments

In recent times, there has been a growing discourse around the proper utilization of public funds allocated to counties in Kenya. While the proposed addition of Sh24.8 billion by senators for the next financial year is commendable, the issue of corruption among some governors casts a shadow over the potential benefits of such allocations. As Luke 16:10 reminds us, integrity in handling small amounts of resources is indicative of integrity in managing larger sums. Therefore, it’s imperative to address corruption and ensure transparent and accountable governance to maximize the impact of public spending on development projects.

Addressing Corruption:
To tackle corruption among governors, it’s essential to implement robust measures aimed at enhancing oversight, transparency, and ethics in governance:

  1. Enhanced Oversight: Strengthening oversight mechanisms by empowering independent bodies such as anti-corruption agencies and audit institutions to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption.
  2. Transparency and Accountability: Implementing transparent budgeting and procurement processes, coupled with regular publication of financial reports and expenditure details to foster accountability.
  3. Ethics Training: Providing training and workshops on ethical leadership and governance for governors and county officials to promote integrity and accountability in public service.
  4. Public Participation: Encouraging active participation of citizens and civil society organizations in budgeting and decision-making processes to promote transparency and accountability at the county level.

Enhancing Revenue Collection:
In addition to increased funding from the national government, counties can explore various strategies to boost revenue collection and improve financial sustainability:

  1. Investment in Revenue Generation: Investing in revenue-generating projects such as agriculture, tourism, and infrastructure development to stimulate economic growth and increase local revenue streams.
  2. Efficient Tax Collection: Strengthening tax collection systems and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance and reduce revenue leakages.
  3. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Exploring opportunities for partnerships with the private sector to finance and implement development projects, thereby reducing the burden on public finances.
  4. Utilization of Natural Resources: Leveraging natural resources such as minerals, forests, and water bodies through sustainable exploitation and revenue-sharing arrangements to generate income for county governments.

Priority County Projects:
To effectively utilize resources for sustainable development, counties should prioritize the following projects:

  1. Infrastructure Development: Construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and water supply systems to enhance connectivity and access to basic services.
  2. Healthcare Facilities: Expansion and upgrading of healthcare facilities, procurement of medical equipment, and training of healthcare workers to improve healthcare delivery and accessibility.
  3. Education Infrastructure: Construction of classrooms, libraries, and vocational training centers to enhance access to quality education and skills development.
  4. Agricultural Development: Promotion of agribusiness initiatives, provision of agricultural inputs and extension services, and establishment of market linkages to support smallholder farmers and boost food security.
  5. Youth Empowerment: Implementation of youth empowerment programs such as skills training, entrepreneurship development, and job creation initiatives to address unemployment and enhance economic opportunities for young people.

In conclusion, addressing corruption and enhancing revenue collection are crucial steps towards maximizing the impact of public funds on development projects at the county level. By prioritizing transparency, accountability, and integrity in governance, counties can effectively utilize resources for sustainable development and improve the well-being of their citizens. It’s time for a collective effort to ensure that public funds are utilized for the benefit of all, paving the way for a brighter future for Kenya.

Proposed addition of Sh24.8 billion to counties by senators in the next financial year

The proposed addition of Sh24.8 billion to counties by senators in the next financial year is commendable. However, it’s evident that many governors are involved in corruption, stealing, and misusing public funds meant for development. As stated in Luke 16:10, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

To address the issue of corruption among governors and ensure the proper utilization of public funds, several measures can be implemented:

  1. Enhanced Oversight: Strengthening oversight mechanisms by empowering independent bodies such as anti-corruption agencies and audit institutions to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption.
  2. Transparency and Accountability: Implementing transparent budgeting and procurement processes, as well as requiring governors to regularly publish financial reports and expenditure details to the public.
  3. Ethics Training: Providing training and workshops on ethical leadership and governance for governors and county officials to promote integrity and accountability in public service.
  4. Public Participation: Encouraging active participation of citizens and civil society organizations in budgeting and decision-making processes to promote transparency and accountability at the county level.

In addition to the proposed increase in funding from the national government, county governments can explore other avenues to increase revenue collection and improve financial sustainability:

  1. Investment in Revenue Generation: Investing in revenue-generating projects such as agriculture, tourism, and infrastructure development to stimulate economic growth and increase local revenue streams.
  2. Efficient Tax Collection: Strengthening tax collection systems and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance and reduce revenue leakages.
  3. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Exploring opportunities for partnerships with the private sector to finance and implement development projects, thereby reducing the burden on public finances.
  4. Utilization of Natural Resources: Leveraging natural resources such as minerals, forests, and water bodies through sustainable exploitation and revenue-sharing arrangements to generate income for county governments.

As for county projects, the following are suggestions that counties should consider prioritizing:

  1. Infrastructure Development: Construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and water supply systems to enhance connectivity and access to basic services.
  2. Healthcare Facilities: Expansion and upgrading of healthcare facilities, procurement of medical equipment, and training of healthcare workers to improve healthcare delivery and accessibility.
  3. Education Infrastructure: Construction of classrooms, libraries, and vocational training centers to enhance access to quality education and skills development.
  4. Agricultural Development: Promotion of agribusiness initiatives, provision of agricultural inputs and extension services, and establishment of market linkages to support smallholder farmers and boost food security.
  5. Youth Empowerment: Implementation of youth empowerment programs such as skills training, entrepreneurship development, and job creation initiatives to address unemployment and enhance economic opportunities for young people.

By prioritizing these projects and implementing measures to combat corruption and enhance revenue collection, county governments can effectively utilize resources for sustainable development and improve the well-being of their citizens.

Unraveling Speculation: Where Did Theories Surrounding Sheila’s Death Originate

In the wake of Sheila’s tragic demise and her husband’s inexplicable disappearance, speculation has run rampant. Among the myriad theories circulating, one asserts that Sheila’s husband may have been involved due to suspicions of infidelity. But where did these conjectures originate?

As we navigate through the details of this puzzling case, it’s essential to scrutinize the sources of such conjecture. Could it be that these assumptions arose from mere hearsay or sensationalism, rather than concrete evidence?

Moreover, what if Sheila’s husband isn’t the perpetrator, but a victim himself? Could he have been abducted by the true culprit, leaving behind a facade of suspicion?

Alternatively, is it plausible that Sheila’s demise was orchestrated by enemies of her husband, aiming to frame him as a serial offender? This chilling possibility adds layers of complexity to an already enigmatic situation.

As we delve deeper into the circumstances surrounding Sheila’s death and her husband’s disappearance, it becomes imperative to separate fact from fiction. Only then can we begin to uncover the truth behind this tragic saga.

Reforming Governance: Policies for Age Limits, Gender Equality, and Social Justice

1. No person shall be a member of the county assembly who has passed the age of thirty-five years.

2. No person shall be the president who has passed the age of sixty years.

3. No person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice, and no person who has held the office of president or acted as the president for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected president shall be elected to the office of the president more than once.

4. A presidential candidate who loses twice consecutively in an election shall not be eligible to vie in subsequent elections.

5. The county governor and the deputy shall be of the opposite gender.

6. If the governor is above thirty-five years of age, the deputy governor shall be a person below thirty-five years.

7. If the president is female, the position of deputy president shall be occupied by a male, and vice versa.

8. Two-thirds of cabinet secretaries shall be persons below thirty-five years of age.

9. You shall resign, be prosecuted, or go to jail for failing to honor your promises to electorates after twenty-nine months in office from the general election date.

10. NYS shall be part of the curriculum. Immediately after finishing high school, you shall join the National Youth Service for six months.

11. Girls below eighteen years of age shall receive pads for free from the Government.

12. Business owners below thirty-five years of age shall receive a tax relief of thirty-five percent yearly.

13. All expectant mothers below thirty-five years of age shall not pay for maternity fees.

14. One-third of cabinet secretaries shall be persons with disabilities (PLWDs).

15. Half of principal secretaries shall come from marginalized communities.

16. When there is a need for a referendum, it shall be held on the same date as the election of the president, governor, senator, member of parliament, and member of the county assembly.

17. Abolish all slots for nominated senators, nominated members of parliament, nominated members of the county assembly, nominated women representatives, and the woman representative post to reduce the wage bill.

18. First priorities shall be given to locals when dishing out Government/Non-Governmental Organizations tenders.

19. Early Childhood Education shall be free, and learners shall sit for joint exams when joining grade one.

20. All employers shall give their employees a contract to sign.

Advancing Democracy, Social Justice, and Environmental Sustainability: A Call to Action

In today’s rapidly changing world, the need for robust democracy, social justice, and environmental sustainability has never been more urgent. As we navigate complex global challenges, it’s essential to recognize the interconnectedness of these issues and work towards holistic solutions that prioritize the well-being of both people and the planet.

1. Voice and Representation:
   Democracy thrives on diversity and inclusion. Yet, historically, marginalized communities have been sidelined in decision-making processes, leading to policies that fail to address their needs. To rectify this, measures such as quota systems and community engagement initiatives are crucial for ensuring that all voices are heard and represented. Successful examples abound, from grassroots movements to community-led advocacy campaigns, demonstrating the transformative power of amplifying marginalized voices in driving positive change.

2. Participatory Democracy:
   Empowering citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes lies at the heart of participatory democracy. By engaging citizens through mechanisms such as citizen assemblies and participatory budgeting, we foster greater accountability and better-informed policies. Ongoing efforts to expand and strengthen participatory democracy at all levels of governance are essential to ensuring that citizens have a meaningful voice in shaping their communities.

3. Transparency and Accountability:
   Transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of democratic governance. Corruption and lack of transparency erode public trust and undermine democracy. To combat this, reforms such as freedom of information laws and independent oversight bodies are crucial. Civil society organizations, journalists, and engaged citizens play a vital role in holding governments accountable and ensuring transparency in decision-making processes.

4. Environmental Sustainability:
   The health of our planet is intrinsically linked to democratic governance. Environmental degradation disproportionately affects marginalized communities, making environmental sustainability a matter of social justice. Policies prioritizing environmental protection and renewable energy are essential for addressing challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Grassroots movements and indigenous communities are leading the charge for environmental justice and sustainability, highlighting the need for collective action at both the national and international levels.

5. Social Justice:
   Social justice is the foundation upon which a fair and equitable society is built. Democratic institutions have a crucial role to play in addressing systemic inequalities and discrimination. Policies that promote economic equality, access to education and healthcare, and the protection of human rights are essential for creating a more just and inclusive society. Recognizing and addressing issues such as racial injustice and gender inequality are imperative steps towards achieving social justice for all members of society.

6. International Cooperation:
   Global challenges such as climate change and pandemics transcend national borders, requiring cooperation and solidarity among nations. International democracy networks play a vital role in fostering dialogue and collaboration to tackle these shared challenges effectively. Multilateral institutions like the United Nations are instrumental in promoting peace, security, and democracy worldwide. Emphasizing the importance of collective action underscores the need for international cooperation to build a better future for all humanity.

In conclusion, by advancing democracy, social justice, and environmental sustainability, we can create a world where every voice is heard, every person is valued, and the planet thrives. It’s time to heed the call to action and work together towards a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for generations to come.

Building a Brighter Future for North Nyakach

Dear Residents of North Nyakach,

I am Collins Odhiambo Lusi, and I am deeply committed to serving as your representative in the County Assembly. As a proud member of our community, I am dedicated to advancing the interests and well-being of every resident in North Nyakach. Together, we can build a brighter future for our ward.

1. Education and Youth Empowerment:

  • Advocate for increased investment in education, including the construction and renovation of schools, to provide our children with quality learning environments.
  • Establish vocational training programs and apprenticeships to equip our youth with the skills they need to succeed in today’s competitive job market.
  • Support initiatives that promote youth entrepreneurship and innovation, creating opportunities for economic empowerment.

2. Healthcare and Well-being:

  • Improve access to quality healthcare services by upgrading existing health facilities and ensuring they are adequately staffed and equipped.
  • Launch health awareness campaigns focusing on preventive care, maternal health, and disease prevention to promote a healthier community.
  • Advocate for the establishment of community health centers and mobile clinics to reach underserved areas in North Nyakach.

3. Infrastructure Development:

  • Prioritize the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads, bridges, and drainage systems to enhance connectivity and ensure the safety of residents.
  • Work with relevant authorities to address water and sanitation challenges, promoting access to clean and safe drinking water for all households.
  • Explore renewable energy solutions to provide affordable and sustainable power sources for our community.

4. Agriculture and Food Security:

  • Support smallholder farmers by providing access to credit, training, and modern agricultural techniques to increase productivity and income.
  • Promote diversification of crops and livestock farming to ensure food security and resilience against climate change impacts.
  • Facilitate the establishment of farmers’ cooperatives and market linkages to enhance the marketing and distribution of agricultural produce.

5. Community Development and Participation:

  • Foster a culture of inclusivity and community participation in decision-making processes, ensuring that the voices of all residents are heard and valued.
  • Collaborate with local organizations and stakeholders to implement community-driven projects that address the unique needs and priorities of North Nyakach.
  • Promote transparency and accountability in governance, advocating for open dialogue and regular updates on development initiatives.

Together, we have the power to shape the future of North Nyakach and create a vibrant, prosperous, and inclusive community for generations to come. I humbly ask for your support and trust as we embark on this journey together.

Thank you for considering me as your advocate and representative in the County Assembly. Together, let’s make North Nyakach a place we are all proud to call home.


Collins Odhiambo Lusi

Upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide

As technology evolves, so do operating systems. Windows 7, once a reliable platform for many users, has reached the end of its life cycle, making it vulnerable to security threats and lacking in new features. Fortunately, Microsoft offers a straightforward path to upgrade to Windows 10. In this blog post, we’ll outline the steps to smoothly transition from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

Why Upgrade?

Before delving into the upgrade process, let’s briefly discuss why upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 is crucial:

1. Security Updates : Windows 7 no longer receives security updates from Microsoft, leaving your system vulnerable to malware and cyber attacks.
2. Improved Performance : Windows 10 offers better performance, enhanced features, and compatibility with modern software and hardware.
3. Extended Support: Windows 10 is regularly updated and supported by Microsoft, ensuring a more stable and secure computing environment.

Pre-Upgrade Checklist:

Before initiating the upgrade process, it’s essential to perform the following steps:

1. Backup Your Data : Ensure all important files, documents, and settings are backed up to an external drive or cloud storage.
2. Check System Requirements : Verify that your computer meets the minimum requirements for Windows 10, including processor speed, RAM, and storage space.
3. Update Drivers and Software: Update device drivers and applications to their latest versions to ensure compatibility with Windows 10.

Upgrade Process:

Now, let’s walk through the steps to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10:

1. Check Compatibility: Visit Microsoft’s website and download the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant tool. Run the tool to check if your system is compatible with Windows 10 and to identify any potential issues that need to be addressed.

2. Download Windows 10: If your system passes the compatibility check, download the Windows 10 installation media creation tool from Microsoft’s website. This tool allows you to create a bootable USB drive or download an ISO file to upgrade your system.

3. Create Installation Media: Follow the instructions provided by the installation media creation tool to create a bootable USB drive or download an ISO file.

4. Backup Important Data Again: Before proceeding with the upgrade, double-check that all critical data is backed up to prevent any potential loss during the installation process.

5. Begin Installation: Insert the bootable USB drive or mount the ISO file, then restart your computer. Follow the on-screen prompts to begin the installation process.

6. Upgrade to Windows 10: During the installation process, you’ll be prompted to choose your preferred settings and customize various options. Follow the prompts to complete the upgrade.

7. Post-Upgrade Configuration: Once Windows 10 is installed, you may need to reinstall certain applications and drivers. Additionally, review and adjust system settings according to your preferences.

8. Activate Windows 10: If prompted, enter your Windows 10 product key to activate the operating system.


Upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 is a crucial step to ensure the security, stability, and performance of your computer. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can smoothly transition to Windows 10 and enjoy its enhanced features and improved functionality. Don’t delay the upgrade process any longer—secure your digital environment and embrace the future with Windows 10!

Essential Practices for Maintaining Vaginal Health

  1. External Cleansing: The vagina is self-cleaning, so you generally don’t need to wash inside it. Instead, focus on washing the external genital area (vulva) with warm water and mild, unscented soap. Gently wash the area from front to back to avoid introducing bacteria from the anus to the vagina, which can help prevent urinary tract infections and other infections.
  2. Avoid Douching: Douching, or rinsing the inside of the vagina with water or other fluids, is not recommended. It can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and increase the risk of infections, including bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and pelvic inflammatory disease.
  3. Use Plain, Unscented Products: Avoid using scented soaps, body washes, or feminine hygiene products in the vaginal area. These products can irritate the delicate skin and disrupt the natural pH balance of the vagina, leading to discomfort and infections.
  4. Wear Breathable Underwear: Choose underwear made from breathable fabrics like cotton, which allows air circulation and helps prevent moisture buildup in the vaginal area. Avoid tight-fitting clothing and synthetic materials that can trap heat and moisture, creating an environment conducive to bacterial growth.
  5. Practice Safe Sex: Use condoms during sexual activity to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and maintain vaginal health. After intercourse, urinate to help flush out any bacteria that may have entered the urethra.
  6. Maintain Good Hygiene During Menstruation: Change sanitary pads or tampons regularly during menstruation to prevent bacterial growth and odor. Wash the genital area with water and mild soap as needed, and avoid using scented feminine hygiene products.
  7. Stay Hydrated and Eat a Balanced Diet: Drinking plenty of water and eating a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and probiotic-rich foods can help support vaginal health by promoting a healthy balance of bacteria in the body.

The Controversy Surrounding Kenya’s Deployment of Police Officers to Haiti

In a surprising turn of events, Kenya and Haiti recently inked an agreement to dispatch 1,000 police officers from Kenya to the troubled Caribbean island. However, the decision has sparked intense debate and criticism within Kenya, with many questioning the rationale behind such a move.

Critics argue that Kenya’s police force is ill-equipped to handle the challenges in Haiti, citing the ongoing struggles with banditry, cattle rustling, and terrorism within the country. They point out that Kenyan police officers are more accustomed to dealing with peaceful demonstrations rather than armed gangs and chaotic situations.

One of the most contentious points raised by critics is the preference for deploying Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) personnel instead of police officers. They argue that KDF officers are better trained and equipped to handle complex security challenges, especially in volatile environments like Haiti.

Furthermore, concerns have been raised about the safety of the police officers being sent to Haiti. Reports have emerged of Kenyan police officers facing risks even before their arrival, with some dying in transit. The volatile situation in Haiti, including the recent seizure of the main airport by armed gangs, only adds to these concerns.

Amidst the controversy, speculation abounds about the motives behind President William Ruto’s insistence on deploying Kenyan police officers to Haiti. Critics allege that Ruto’s decision is driven by financial gain rather than genuine concern for peace and stability in Haiti. They claim that Ruto stands to benefit financially from the deployment, receiving lucrative deals and funding from the US government in exchange for Kenya’s involvement.

The juxtaposition of deploying police officers to Haiti while Kenya grapples with internal security challenges has raised eyebrows and prompted questions about the government’s priorities. Many argue that Kenya should focus on addressing the rampant banditry, terrorism, and crime within its borders before embarking on international missions.

The situation underscores broader concerns about governance, accountability, and national security priorities in Kenya. Critics question whether the government is adequately addressing the needs and safety of its citizens, particularly in regions plagued by insecurity.

As tensions escalate and debates rage on, it remains to be seen how the Kenyan government will respond to the mounting criticism and concerns surrounding the deployment of police officers to Haiti. One thing is clear: the decision has ignited a firestorm of controversy and raised important questions about Kenya’s role in international security efforts.

In the midst of these debates, the safety and well-being of both Kenyan police officers and Haitian citizens hang in the balance, underscoring the need for thoughtful and strategic decision-making in matters of national and international security.

As the situation continues to unfold, one can only hope for a resolution that prioritizes peace, stability, and the protection of human lives, both at home and abroad.


Bridging the Gap in Early Childhood Education

In the heart of North Nyakach Ward, where the seeds of education are sown at the earliest stages of childhood, lies a fundamental opportunity for transformation. As an advocate for education and a firm believer in the power of early childhood development, I stand before you to champion a significant initiative: the establishment of a unified certificate for Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) pupils graduating from Pre-Primary 2 (PP2) to Grade One.

In our educational landscape, we celebrate milestones marked by certificates—testaments of achievement, dedication, and progression. However, as we commemorate the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), we must also recognize the pivotal journey embarked upon by our ECDE pupils.

ECDE forms the cornerstone of a child’s educational journey, laying the groundwork for future academic success and holistic development. Yet, despite the invaluable contributions of ECDE teachers and institutions in North Nyakach Ward, there exists a gap—a gap in recognition, standardization, and acknowledgment of ECDE achievements.

Picture this: a young child, brimming with curiosity and potential, completes their ECDE journey in North Nyakach Ward. They have spent years under the guidance of dedicated educators, exploring the wonders of learning, and preparing for the transition to Grade One. And yet, when they embark on this journey, they carry no unified certificate to symbolize their ECDE accomplishments.

It is time to change this narrative.

We propose the establishment of the North Nyakach Ward Certificate of ECDE—a symbol of unity, recognition, and standardization. This certificate will serve as a beacon of excellence, reflecting the collective efforts of ECDE teachers, institutions, and stakeholders across the ward.

But why a unified certificate, you may ask?

First and foremost, a unified certificate fosters inclusivity and equity. Regardless of the school or institution attended, every ECDE pupil in North Nyakach Ward deserves equal recognition for their hard work and dedication.

Secondly, a unified certificate sets a standard of excellence. By establishing common assessment criteria and examination protocols, we ensure that every child receives a quality ECDE experience, grounded in best practices and educational standards.

Thirdly, a unified certificate promotes accountability and transparency. With a standardized assessment process overseen by ECDE teachers and stakeholders, we uphold the integrity of our educational system and ensure that every child’s achievements are duly recognized and celebrated.

The time has come for action. As ECDE teachers, educators, and advocates, let us join hands in solidarity to champion the cause of our children. Let us unite under the banner of the North Nyakach Ward Certificate of ECDE and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for our youngest learners.

To the Ministry of Education – Kenya , we extend an invitation—an invitation to recognize and support our vision for a unified ECDE certificate in North Nyakach Ward. Together, let us bridge the gap in early childhood education and empower every child to thrive, succeed, and soar to new heights of excellence.

The journey begins here. The future beckons. Let us rise to the challenge, hand in hand, as champions of education, advocates for change, and stewards of hope.

Together, we can make a difference.

Collins Odhiambo Lusi
Advocate for Education
North Nyakach Ward

Empowering Communities: A Guide to Effective Governance

In the dynamic landscape of governance, the pivotal role of public participation cannot be overstated. The essence of democracy lies in the active involvement of citizens in decision-making processes and the pursuit of common goals. Here are seven crucial steps to foster community empowerment and ensure responsive governance:

1. Embrace Public Participation

Transparency and inclusivity should be the cornerstones of governance. Encourage open dialogue, consultation, and collaboration with community members. Create platforms for citizens to voice their concerns, offer suggestions, and actively participate in shaping policies and projects that affect their lives.

2. Mobilize Youth, Women, and Men

Empowerment knows no bounds of age, gender, or status. Mobilize and engage youths, women, and men alike to harness their potential and seize available opportunities. Provide avenues for skill development, education, and entrepreneurship to foster economic independence and social mobility across diverse demographics.

3. Implement Job-Creation Projects

Addressing unemployment and economic challenges is paramount to improving livelihoods and fostering community well-being. Strategically implement projects aimed at job creation, vocational training, and economic empowerment. By investing in local industries, infrastructure, and small businesses, empower individuals to overcome daily hurdles and realize their aspirations.

4. Establish Legislative Support

Ensure that legislative structures at the grassroots level are robust and responsive to the needs of the community. Advocate for policies and initiatives that uplift constituents both politically and economically. Enact laws and regulations that promote equity, justice, and sustainable development within your ward or jurisdiction.

5. Ensure Fair Resource Allocation

Fair and equitable distribution of resources is essential for fostering trust and cohesion within communities. Prioritize needs-based allocation mechanisms that address disparities and bridge socio-economic gaps. Uphold integrity and accountability in resource management to prevent favoritism or misuse of public funds.

6. Combat Corruption in Oversight

Maintain unwavering integrity and ethical standards in oversight and governance processes. Zero tolerance for corruption is imperative to uphold public trust and confidence. Conduct thorough audits, enforce accountability measures, and collaborate with anti-corruption agencies to root out malpractice and ensure transparency at all levels.

7. Provide Mentorship and Support

Invest in mentorship programs and capacity-building initiatives to empower constituents with the knowledge and skills needed for personal and professional growth. Foster a culture of mentorship and mutual support where individuals can learn, innovate, and thrive. Stay connected with the grassroots, regularly engage with community members, and remain accessible to their needs and aspirations.

In conclusion, effective governance hinges on proactive engagement, accountability, and empowerment of communities. By embracing public participation, fostering inclusivity, and prioritizing the well-being of constituents, leaders can pave the way for sustainable development and social progress. Let us commit to building resilient, vibrant communities where every voice is heard, and every individual is empowered to shape their future.

Let’s Choose Progress Over Politics

Dear Fellow Electorates of North Nyakach Ward,

As a concerned voter and member of our community, I am compelled to address a recurring issue that has hindered our progress: the tendency to recycle leaders who have not fulfilled their promises or delivered on their responsibilities during their tenure.

It is disheartening to witness leaders who failed to perform returning to compete against their successors, perpetuating a cycle of stagnation and disappointment. While some may rely on handouts and backdoor deals, we cannot afford to overlook the vibrant potential of our youth who are eager and competent to represent our ward with energy and dedication.

We stand at a critical juncture where we must collectively advocate for change and demand accountability from those who seek to lead us. Our decision should not be swayed by wealth or influence but guided by a candidate’s genuine commitment to serving the interests of the people and advancing our community.

Let us unite to break free from the shackles of political manipulation and select leaders based on their vision, integrity, and unwavering dedication to our collective welfare. Our voices matter, and it is our responsibility to ensure that those who seek to represent us are worthy of our trust and confidence.

As we approach the upcoming elections, I urge each one of you to consider the future of North Nyakach Ward and the kind of leadership we aspire to have. Together, let us rise above divisive politics and embrace a future filled with promise, progress, and prosperity for all.


Collins Lusi
A Concerned Voter of North Nyakach Ward

Dear Esteemed Electorates of Nyakach Constituency,

As a candidate for Nyakach constituency, I am fully committed to ensuring that every child has access to quality education, regardless of their background or financial circumstances. I understand the challenges facing our education system, particularly the limited availability of bursaries for tertiary and secondary school students. To address these issues and meet the expectations of our community, I have developed a comprehensive plan for education that encompasses the following key initiatives:

1. Expanding Bursary Programs : I will work tirelessly to expand bursary programs to include not only tertiary and secondary school students but also primary school children. It is essential to support students at every stage of their educational journey to ensure they have the resources they need to succeed.

2. Diversifying Scholarship Opportunities : In addition to traditional bursaries, I will explore alternative scholarship opportunities, including merit-based scholarships, need-based grants, and scholarships for special talents or academic excellence. By diversifying scholarship options, we can reach a broader range of students and provide support where it is needed most.

3. Enhancing Vocational Training: Recognizing the importance of vocational education in preparing students for the workforce, I will prioritize the enhancement of vocational training programs in Nyakach constituency. This includes partnering with technical institutions and industry stakeholders to offer relevant skills training and certification programs in high-demand fields.

4. Improving School Infrastructure: I am committed to investing in the improvement of school infrastructure, including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and sanitation facilities. Every child deserves a safe and conducive learning environment, and I will work tirelessly to ensure that our schools are equipped to meet the needs of students and teachers alike.

5. Promoting Digital Literacy: In today’s digital age, it is crucial to equip students with the necessary digital literacy skills to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. I will advocate for the integration of technology into the curriculum and provide training for teachers to effectively utilize digital tools in the classroom.

6. Supporting Teachers and Staff: Our teachers and educational staff play a vital role in shaping the future of our children. I will prioritize initiatives aimed at supporting and empowering teachers, including professional development opportunities, competitive salaries, and access to resources and support services.

7. Community Engagement and Participation : Education is a collective endeavor that requires the involvement of parents, community leaders, and stakeholders. I will actively engage with the community to solicit feedback, foster collaboration, and ensure that education remains a top priority for Nyakach constituency.

By implementing these proactive measures and working collaboratively with stakeholders, we can build a brighter future for the children of Nyakach constituency and ensure that every child has the opportunity to realize their full potential through education.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to serving you diligently if elected.

Collins Odhiambo Lusi
Candidate for Nyakach Constituency

Does heaven really exist

Belief in the existence of heaven varies among different religions and individuals. For many, heaven is a concept associated with an afterlife where one’s soul experiences eternal peace, happiness, and connection with a divine presence. Whether heaven exists or not is a matter of faith and personal interpretation. Different religious traditions and philosophical perspectives offer varying ideas about the nature and existence of heaven.

Let’s Choose Progress Over Politics

Dear Fellow Electorates of North Nyakach Ward,

As a concerned voter and member of our community, I am compelled to address a recurring issue that has hindered our progress: the tendency to recycle leaders who have not fulfilled their promises or delivered on their responsibilities during their tenure.

It is disheartening to witness leaders who failed to perform returning to compete against their successors, perpetuating a cycle of stagnation and disappointment. While some may rely on handouts and backdoor deals, we cannot afford to overlook the vibrant potential of our youth who are eager and competent to represent our ward with energy and dedication.

We stand at a critical juncture where we must collectively advocate for change and demand accountability from those who seek to lead us. Our decision should not be swayed by wealth or influence but guided by a candidate’s genuine commitment to serving the interests of the people and advancing our community.

Let us unite to break free from the shackles of political manipulation and select leaders based on their vision, integrity, and unwavering dedication to our collective welfare. Our voices matter, and it is our responsibility to ensure that those who seek to represent us are worthy of our trust and confidence.

As we approach the upcoming elections, I urge each one of you to consider the future of North Nyakach Ward and the kind of leadership we aspire to have. Together, let us rise above divisive politics and embrace a future filled with promise, progress, and prosperity for all.


Collins Lusi
A Concerned Voter of North Nyakach Ward

Court blocks implementation of minimum wage for private security guards

Hopes for private security guards to get salary increments have been dashed temporarily after a judge blocked security firms from implementing a legal notice setting the minimum wage at Sh30,000.

Employment and Labour Relations court judge Mathews Nduma Nderi issued a temporary order, blocking the implementation of Legal Notice No. PSRA/005/2023, which was published by the Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) on November 21, 2023.

Last week, the authority gave private security firms seven days to commit themselves to paying the minimum wage of Sh30,000 and Sh27,183 for those operating in Nairobi and outside Nairobi, respectively.

“A conservatory order be and is hereby issued suspending the enforcement and or implementation of legal Notice No. PSRA/005/2023 pending the hearing and determination of this application,” said Justice Nderi

The court directed that responses to the petition be filed within seven days and the case to be heard on February 12.

Private Security Industry Association through its trustee Mr John Kipkorir has sued PSRA and its chief executive officer Mr Fazul Mohmmed, Attorney General Justin Muturi and CSs Interior and Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

Mr Kipkorir says in the petition that the Authority did not conduct public participation or consult stakeholders in the private security industry before publishing the notice, yet the industry is facing serious economic challenges.

“The 1st and 2nd respondents published the legal notice PSRA/005/2023 which affects the petitioners’ right to fair labour practices without offering the petitioners written reasons for their decision,” he said.

He said the association unsuccessfully sought an audience with the CS Ministry of Labour and Social Protection through a letter on August 28, last year in a bid to resolve the wage issue.

According to the association, the wages order of 2022 is still in force and thus the wages order for 2023 would ideally come into effect upon the annulment of the earlier order.

Mr Kipkorir pointed out that in November 2019, Parliament nullified the 2019 legal notice, which sought to amend the minimum wage, for lack of public participation.

“Instead of subjecting the legal notice to public participation, the respondents purport to have the annulled legal notice 108/2019 implemented through legal notice PSRA/005/2023 without subjecting the regulations through public participation,” he said.

He further said the Authority lacks the powers to set a minimum wage for security guards as this duty is reserved for the wages council as provided by the Labour Institutions Act.

He said the annulment of the legal notice 108/2019 and referring it to public scrutiny due to lack of public participation created a legitimate expectation to the private security stakeholders.

“The legal notice PSRA/005/2023 was not tabled before Parliament as is the requirement under the Statutory Instruments Act. This undermines the role played by Parliament in making laws,” he said.

He further said the mandate to publish and gazette minimum wages has always been reserved to the CS, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the same has never been amended.

MCA’s ,must Embrace public participation Make sure that youths, women and men in the ward are mobilised to seize the available opportunities

MCA’s ,must Embrace public participation Make sure that youths, women and men in the ward are mobilised to seize the available opportunities

How to become the best performing MCA

1.Embrace public participation

2. Make sure that youths, women and men are mobilised to seize available opportunities. 3. Make sure projects are implemented to enhance job creation to help your electorates solve their day today challenges.

4.Make sure your ward had legislative that can uplift your electorates both politically and economically. 5. Make sure that resources allocated to your electorates are distributed fairly.

6. Don’t involve yourself in corruption when doing oversight.

7. Don’t neglect your electorates, make sure they have mentorship programs that can empower them. Get intouch with them frequently be on the ground.

How to be good

1.Embrace public participation
2. Make sure that youths, women and men are mobilised to seize available opportunities.
3. Make sure projects are implemented to enhance job creation to help your electorates solve their day today challenges.
4.Make sure your ward had legislative that can uplift your electorates both politically and economically. 5. Make sure that resources allocated to your electorates are distributed fairly.
6. Don’t involve yourself in corruption when doing oversight.
7. Don’t neglect your electorates, make sure they have mentorship programs that can empower them. Get intouch with them frequently be on the ground.1.Embrace public participation
2. Make sure that youths, women and men are mobilised to seize available opportunities.
3. Make sure projects are implemented to enhance job creation to help your electorates solve their day today challenges.
4.Make sure your ward had legislative that can uplift your electorates both politically and economically. 5. Make sure that resources allocated to your electorates are distributed fairly.
6. Don’t involve yourself in corruption when doing oversight.
7. Don’t neglect your electorates, make sure they have mentorship programs that can empower them. Get intouch with them frequently be on the ground.


1.Embrace public participation
2. Make sure that youths, women and men are mobilised to seize available opportunities.
3. Make sure projects are implemented to enhance job creation to help your electorates solve their day today challenges.
4.Make sure your ward had legislative that can uplift your electorates both politically and economically.

5. Make sure that resources allocated to your electorates are distributed fairly.
6. Don’t involve yourself in corruption when doing oversight.
7. Don’t neglect your electorates, make sure they have mentorship programs that can empower them. Get intouch with them frequently be on the ground.

How to make Doughnut

Flour 2 cups
I cup of milk
1 teaspoon of yeast
3 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of melted butter
1 egg
1 teaspoon of salt
Preparation for Doughnut
Prove your yeast
Sift your flour
Combine all the weighed ingredients with your proved yeast
Break egg into your dry ingredients
Add a little warm water if you dough have not formed
Cover to rise for 1 hour
Transfer on a flat floured surface and start kneading until it stops sticking to your hands excessively. Use little flour at a time
Spread and use a circular object to cut the dough.
Cover your cut dough to rise again as this gives your doughnut volume
Use a smaller circular object to cut the middle➡ add enough vegetable oil in a pot and dip fry your doughnut

Method 2
1) In a large bowl pour in the milk, yeast, sugar, salt egg and melted butter.
Stir together until well mixed.
2) Add plain flour and stir together till it forms a dough.
Knead until smooth.
3) Brush oil in a bowl and place your dough inside and cover with a proof until it doubles in size. It should stay for 45 minutes to 1 hour in a warm place.
4) Take it out and roll it with a rolling pin. Cut out the shapes with a doughnut cutter and set it aside to double in size for 20 minutes.
5) Fry in a medium heated oil

*Egg Roll*

The same recipe used for the doughnut also works for egg roll but the only difference is that when you spread and cut your dough, you will put your egg in the middle of the dough and wrap it up.
Also after wrapping the eggs, you don’t keep it to rise again just fry immediately on low heat
If you want to use baking powder, just substitute the baking powder where you have your yeast.
2 cups (250g) of all purpose flour
1/4 cup of sugar or less or more depending on you preference.
1 tsp nutmeg
1-2 eggs for mixing dough
5 boiled eggs
Milk. Either liquid of powdered. It is advisable to use powdered milk as a beginner
1 tsp baking powder.
2 tbsp margarine
1tsp flavour (optional)
Sift your flour
Combine all the weighed ingredients
Break egg into your dry ingredients
Add a little warm water or liquid milk if you dough have not formed
Cover to rise for 30 minutes
Transfer on a flat floured surface and start kneading until it stops sticking to your hands excessively. Use little flour at a time
Spread and and cut your dough.
Place your boiled egg in the middle of the dough and wrap it up
Add enough vegetable oil in a pot and dip fry your egg roll.
Tadaa!! Your egg roll is ready


2 Cups Flour
1 Egg
1 Tsp Baking powder
1/4 Tsp Salt
1/2 Tsp Nutmeg
2 Tbsp Margarine
8-9 Tbsp Water
5 Eggs Boiled
2 Tbsp Sugar

👉In a large bowl, mix together the Flour, Baking powder, Salt, Sugar and Nutmeg

👉Use your fingers to blend the Margarine into the flour until it’s crumbly.

👉Add the beaten egg and mix together. The dough should look dry at this point.

👉Begin to introduce the water a little at a time and work the dough till dough is soft and sticky but still workable.

👉Work the dough for about a minute then cover it and let it rest for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Work the dough again for a couple of seconds to a minute and divide it into

👉Tightly wrap each of the dough around each Egg.

👉Fry on a medium heat turning over and over again until it’s golden brown

Home remedies fo irregular menstruation

Are you the type that is suffering from irregular menstruation? Your cycle dates keep changing ans you’re tired of keeping up with the different dates?

These home remedies will go a long way to help.
Note I will be giving you three remedies, you can try both or either of the three, whichever works for you

Remedy 1
👉 A glass cup of water
👉 One ginger root cut into two (Half inch ginger root)
Peel the ginger root and crush with a pestle. Put the water on fire, when it starts to boil, add your crushed ginger root and allow to boil (on low heat) for two minutes.
Strain and drink this last thing before bed. Do this consistently for atleast two cycles.

Remedy 2:
👉 1teaspoon of cinnamon
👉 A glass cup of milk

Warm your glass cup of milk, pour in your teaspoon of cinnamon, stir ans drink last thing before bed.

Do this atleast three times a week for two cycles.

Remedy 3:
And if yours is to induce the period immediately
Get the following items:
👉 A teaspoon of ginger powder.
👉 A teaspoon coriander seeds
👉 A teaspoon of cumin seeds
👉 A glass cup of water
👉 A teaspoon of honey

Put the water to boil, add all items above except the honey. Allow to boil for two minutes, bring down and add your honey, stir and drink.

These remedies although look quite simple, I can personally attest to their efficacy. Give it a try and come tell us the result.

Note that if after this remedy, your menses is still irregular, see a doctor, there may be more underlying issues such as hormonal imbalance etc.

Credit Owners



For the meat Pie dough You need

(1): 1kg (8 cups) plain flour

(2): 2 teaspoons baking powder(optional)

(3): 500g (1.1 lbs) Margarine

(4): 2 pinches salt

(5): ½ cup / 125 ml / 4.2 oz water

(6): 1egg(optional) if u use egg u need to reduce water

For the meat Pie filling u need:

(1): 2 medium Irish potatoes

(2): 2 medium carrots

(3): 500g (1.1 lbs) minced meat

(4): 1 medium onion

(5): 2 cooking spoons vegetable oil

(6): 2 Knorr cubes or any seasoning

(7): 1 teaspoon thyme

(8): 2 tablespoons plain flour

(9): 1 cup / 250 ml / 8.4 oz cold water

(10): Salt to taste

Directions for preparing the Meat Pie Filling

(1): Peel the Irish potatoes and scrape the carrots, wash and cut these two into tiny cubes.
Wash and slice the onions into tiny pieces.

(2): With your cooker or stove set to medium heat, heat the vegetable oil in a pot, add the diced onions and stir for a bit, add the minced meat and stir vigorously till the minced meat turns pale.

(3): Add 1 cup of water, Knorr cubes and thyme. Cover the pot and once the contents of the pot starts boiling, add the diced carrots and potatoes and cook till everything is well done.

(4): Dissolve 2 tablespoons of plain flour in half cup of cold water and add to the meat pie filling. This tip is so that the meat pie filling does not dry up during baking. It is also what keeps the meat pie filling moist.

(5): Add salt to taste, stir the contents and turn off the heat. Set the meat pie filling aside. Now is the time to prepare the dough for the meat pie.

The meat Pie dough making

(i): Put the 1 kg of flour in a sizeable bowl; add 2 teaspoons of baking powder and 2 pinches of salt. You really do not need a lot of salt for the meat pie dough. The meat pie will get most of its taste from the filling. Mix these dry ingredients very well.

(ii): Use a tablespoon to scoop the margarine in small bits into the bowl of flour. The smaller you make the bits of margarine, the easier it will be for you to rub them into the flour.

(iii): Use finger tips to rub the margarine into the flour till the mix becomes like crumbs.

(iv): Now, start adding cold water in bits while at the same time folding the mix till a stiff ball of dough is formed. You will be surprised at how small quantity of water you need to get the dough stiff. At most, all you need for the 1 kg of flour is half a cup of water.

(v): Knead the dough very well, put back in the bowl and leave to rest for 5 to 7 minutes. This makes the dough more elastic

Cut, Fill, Fold and Close procedure

(1): Set your oven and leave to preheat while you continue with the meat pie.

(2): Rub margarine or vegetable oil insides of the oven tray and set aside. This is so that the undersides of the meat pies do not burn or stick to the tray during baking.

(3): Break the egg, beat it and set aside, you will need it pretty soon.
Knead the dough some more, roll it out to achieve a 5mm thickness.

(4): Use a cutter, be it the cover of a small pot or a meat pie cutter, to make round cuts on the rolled out dough.

(5): Remove the excess dough, leaving behind the round cuts.

(6): Scoop some meat pie filling into the center of the round cuts, the quantity should be such that you can comfortably close the dough without overflows. Don’t worry if you over-filled the first one, you have many meat pies to fill so at some point you will know just the right quantity of meat pie filling to scoop into the dough.

(7): Rub the egg on the inside edge of the cut meatpie dough. This is to ensure that your meat pie is perfectly sealed and does not open up while it is being baked.

(8): Fold one part of the dough to meet the other end and use a fork to press the 2 edges together to close tightly. Place your work of art in the oven tray and repeat the previous step till all the cut out dough is exhausted.

(9): Roll out more dough, cut, fill, close and place in the greased oven tray till all the dough is used.

(10): Rub the egg on the meat pies. This gives the meat pie a golden brown look when done.

(11): Set the tray in the preheated oven and bake for 30 to 40 minutes. This time will depend on the type and heating capacity of your oven. For some ovens, the meat pie will be done in half an hour, for some, it may take up to 50 mins. Whatever type of oven you have, the important thing to know is that the best meat peas are the ones baked at medium heat. You can confirm that the meat pie is done when it starts browning. It is alright to open the oven to check this.

That night in Room 401 by Opeyemi AkintundeEpisode 8

I could hear the distant beating of the popular Bata drum “Iya ilu” (Mother Drum) being beaten and the shallow sound of the Omele Ako (a smaller drum) as I drove my Jeep towards Igbonla…

Igbonla was a village known for festivities…. There was always one party or the other….We had no worries, in fact there was a popular saying that ” Why don’t you have any worries like people from Igbonla”.

As I drew nearer, Something gripped my heart, what it was, I couldn’t tell…

Was it Fear? Or Anxiety of not knowing what to expect, or was it the Holy Spirit telling me not to go back to Igbonla…

I suddenly stepped on my brakes and my mind flashed back to hours earlier…

The day had been an eventful day for me, as Doctor Jack had called me very early to inform me he had done the Mercy Killing.

He gave me instructions to get out of town immediately and switch off my phone for now as my angry mum in law was on her way to the house.

No wonder Doctor Jack had sent me home last night insisting I should go home and rest, while my mother in law stayed with Daniel.

I suspected he was going to carry out our plan… So waking up to his phone call this morning with the news that my husband Daniel was dead didn’t come as a surprise.

I had my minutes of weeping as the realization that Daniel was gone hit me…

I rose up quickly after few minutes when the thought of being whisked off to my husband’s hometown for the widow’s dehumanizing ritual hit me.

I parked a few things, took my documents, Papers concerning properties I had secured myself.

To be fair to Daniel I left all his properties for his family. The only thing I took that wasn’t mine was the Jeep he bought for me for my last birthday.

I dropped a note for his mother…

“Mama, I am sorry for the loss, I know you never loved me from the start and staying behind will be an unwise thing to do,

You will take me to your village for the widow’s ritual which will not be healthy for the baby.

I have gone into hiding in other to deliver the baby in peace…all your son’s documents for his properties are in the locker beside the bed in the master bedroom. I am sorry for your loss… ”

Your Daughter, Grace…

I dashed to the bank and withdrew 1 million Naira in cash in other to start a new life in Igbonla, but here I was few metres to Igbonla and I was having the strong feeling this was a strong move…

Tears, tears, tears. …. and I began to scream to heaven on the lonely road to Igbonla….

“God!, You told me you will keep watch over me lest I dash my foot against a stone… Larry was a big stone, why didn’t your angels send him away from me????, Why? Why?…

God why did you let me have feelings for him, Why! Why did I get married when it wasn’t the right time, I got married when I was just 19…

Why was Maami diabetic?… I had to rush into marriage to take care of her and my sisters, God you promised me a good life with you when I was just 13, when I gave my life to you, but you have not been fair….

“Just always trying to Justify their bad deeds”…I turned around to see who spoke, It was “Saawawi”…. The popular mad man of Igbonla, It was surprising to still see him mad after all these years… He kept ranting in my local dialect…

” You fell on the ground in shame, instead of getting to yours knees to try and rise again, You tried to use the mud to cover yourself in shame so no one will see you”…Saawawi said looking ME straight in the eye…

He asked me for money, which after I gave him, he said, “You have no place here again”

But who was Saawawi (A person who speaks nonsense) to give me an advice, God had failed me, It was time I started taking care of my life…

This was the end to Grace the Gospel Musician, I am returning back to who I was before, Orishamuyiwa (the gods brought this one) … I removed my sim card from my phone and threw it into the bush….

My mother was going to help me kill Larry and the traditional healers would give me local herbs to flush out the baby….

There was no peace until I had accomplished these two important things first, before taking my own life



1. The Leaf people
2. The Branch people
3. The Root people

These are people who come into your life just for a season. You can’t depend on them because they are weak. They only come to take what they want, but if the wind comes they will leave.
You need to be careful of these people because they love you when things are okay, but when the wind comes they will leave you 🥺

They are strong, but you need to be careful with them too. They break away when life becomes tough and they can’t handle too much weight. They may stay with you in some seasons, but they will go when it becomes harder 😢

ROOT PEOPLE: These people are very important because they don’t do things to be seen. They are supportive even if you go through a difficult time they will water you and they are not moved by your position they just love you like that …

It’s not all people you meet or are your friends, that will stay with you.
Only the root type of people will stay no matter the season 👏☺️




◾️4 cups flour
◾️4 teaspoon baking powder
◾️4 Large eggs
◾️1¼ cup of sugar
◾️2 teaspoon essense of your choice
◾️2 cups milk
◾️1 Cup Vegetable oil(Cooking oil)


◾️Pre-heat your oven at 180°c.

◾️Cream(Mix) sugar, eggs and oil, add essence and milk and continue to mix.

◾️In another bowl, mix the flour and baking powder together.

◾️Add the dry mixture to the wet mixture, one cup at a time.

◾️Mix till smooth.

◾️Pour the mixture into greased muffin pan / paper cups and bake till golden brown.

Easy recipe to try this holiday

Credit Owners

Chin Chin Recipe

Chin chin

-3 cups flour (375 grams)
-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
-Pinch of nutmeg
-1/2 cup sugar (100 grams)
1/2 cup baking margarine (115 grams)
-1/2 to 2/3 cup liquid milk or water
-1 egg (optional. use if you want soft chinchin)
-Oil for frying.

-Combine flour, baking powder and sugar in a bowl. Slice in margarine and mix until well incorporated.
-Crack in egg. Mix
gently, add water into flour mix until you have a slightly stretchy but not sticky dough.
-Roll out the dough on a flat surface, cut into desired shapes.
-Set the oil on medium heat, wait until the oil is hot.
-Fry the shaped dough a batch at a time until golden brown.

Credit Owners

Homemade soap

Making bar soap is an interesting art that can turn into a well-paying business idea or at least a side-hustle for those seeking to make a little extra money.Homemade bar soaps, especially those that use organic ingredients, innovative recipes or beautiful designs are a hit with many customers since they are an inexpensive luxury and often a popular gift-giving idea. To succeed at this business, you will need to develop quality soaps, control your pricing and target the right customers. Here we’ve simplified everything for you.
Find the Ingredients
For starters you will not need any fancy ingredients or equipment. You will require some clean water, oil, caustic soda (lye or sodium hydroxide). You can use a glass mixing jug, plastic bowl, simple thermometer, weighing scale, ordinary spoons and so forth as your equipment. Glad to say, all these ingredients and equipment are readily available locally and you don’t need a lot of money to buy them.
Clean water – available at home
Oil – You can use cooking oil or buy palm oil in bulk for mass production
Caustic Soda – Goes for Ksh100 per kilogram and can be found in most towns around Kenya. Here in Nairobi you can buy some at Kariobangi Light Industries, Tata Chemicals or Chem Care which is located near OTC.
Learn How To Make Soap
Now that you have all the basic ingredients and equipment necessary, the next step is to make something out of it. First you will need to measure some 500 Grams water on your weighing scale and also weigh some 200 Grams caustic soda separately. Then put the water first in your glass jar followed by the caustic soda as you stir gently. Leave the mixture to settle for a few minutes.
Now measure some 750 grams of oil in a separate container (preferably a large bowl). Use a thermometer to check the temperature level of the caustic + water mixture and compare this with the temperature of your oil.
If the oil’s temperature is lower, then you will need to warm it a little bit until it matches the level of caustic + water mixture.
Add caustic water to the oil bowl gently to prevent splashing while stirring lightly. Keep stirring until the mixture turns thick whitish.
Pour this whitish mixture into a container so as to mold your soap into the desired shape. If you want a round soap put in a round container. If you want box shape, use boxed container. Cover this container and wrap it inside a warm blanket or towel…leave for 24 hours.
In just 24 hours you will have your fresh bar of soap…but that will not be ready for use yet. You will need to give it the next 4 weeks to cure after which it’ll be ready for use. Simple, right? Read Some Creative Soap Recipes Here .
What You Need To Know
Using this manual formula you will be able to produce more than 2 Kgs of fresh bar soap equivalent to 3 large bars of soap each weighing 700 grams. The manual process is however only suited for small scale production. If you want to go fully commercial and even compete with the big boys then you will need to invest in a plodder .
A plodder is a machine that does the whole job in a cost efficient way and produces about 100 Kilograms of soap per hour. Some suppliers of soap making machines here in Kenya include:
*Nyaweco Engineering Works Limited (Located in Kariobangi, Off Outering Road, Nairobi)
*We also found some suppliers on local classified ads website like OLX.
*Another alternative is to import from China or other countries (How To Import From China )
A good soap making machine will cost you approximately Ksh200,000.
How Much To Invest
You can start a small manual firm with as little as Ksh5,000 or you can go in full throttle with a commercial machine with Ksh500,000 as minimum starting capital.
How Much To Expect
Soap has a profitability ratio of 2:1 meaning for every 2 shillings invested in production you will get 1 shilling profit.
Final Word
We all need soap. Whether in the rural areas, towns, prisons, schools, hospitals – every person needs some soap in one way or another. So you can try out this idea and see how far it will take you and even venture into the manufacturer of flavoured soap, bathing soap and so forth. And with large swathes of the market in Northern Kenya, Juba and rural Kenya highly unexploited, you can start small today and aim for the sky.
What do you think about this idea?

Small Business Ideas You Can Start With Kshs 1,000

Small Business Ideas You Can Start With Kshs 1,000

Starting a business requires a great deal of money and expertise for it to flourish. But sometimes a person finds themselves unemployed and with no money. They lack the means to sustain themselves or even start a small business. As we are going to show you in this article, not all business ideas need a large budget to launch. There are small business ideas that can be set up for as little as Kshs 1,000 or even less.

1. Packaging Bags
The eradication of plastic bags in Kenya left the nation in a limbo. The government did not provide alternatives to plastic bags. This saw people struggling to get brown packaging bags. At first these bags were almost impossible to get but nowadays they are available. Brown packaging bags are a bit expensive as compared to plastic bags.

Packaging bags are in high demand in Kenya and cheaper alternatives are always welcome. Many people have ventured into making these bags and so can you. With a budget of as little as Kshs 1,000 or less you can start this business. All you need is someone to teach you how to make the bags and a place to buy the brown paper for making the papers. This is a business you can run from the comfort of your home. You can sell these bags within your locality since almost all businesses use them.

2. Garbage Collection Services
Every business and household produce garbage waste every day. Some areas have an organized garbage collection service while others lack. It is possible to start a garbage collection service in your estate with a budget of less than Kshs 1,000. Identify the deficiency of this service in your estate and start this business. All you need to do is inform the residents that you are starting a garbage collection service. Price the services and payment timetable. Afterwards proceed to buy disposable garbage polythene bags and you are good to go.

You might need to employ an extra hand depending with the bulk of work. Look for a dump site where you will be disposing the garbage once collected. This is a business that can only be done on weekends which leaves you with plenty of free time to do other things. As you expand, get a permit from the county council so that they can be picking the garbage from your dump site.

3. Real Estate Agent
This is a business that you can start with close to no budget. All you need is money to print posters for vacant houses for rent and distribute far and wide. Identify vacant houses and premises in the neighborhood and contact owners. Tell them you can help them get tenants for free. If they agree then proceed to advertising the vacant houses. You will always get interested leads. Organize on days they can come to view the house or premises.

Charge your clients for site viewing and also acceptance of the house. It is as simple as that! With time register as a business or company and expand your operations. Make good use of social media as a marketing tool. You should also strike a working relationship with caretakers of buildings. They will be alerting you whenever a house or premises is vacant.

4. Liquid Detergent, Soap & Perfume
Another great business idea to start with a small capital is the liquid detergent and soap making. It involves buying chemicals and mixing them to have an end product. This trade has created employment for many youths and women in Kenya. It is ideal for any location even across borders. Apart from detergents, you can also make perfumes which you can sell for profit. You can buy the chemicals from vendors in different parts of the country. The chemical vendors will teach you on how to mix the chemicals to get the end product. Your market will be households and institutions such as schools and hospitals. Everyone uses detergents in their homes and workplace.

5. Mitumba (Second Han Clothes)
Mitumba is a trade that is churning out millionaires every single day. You can start this business even with as little as Kshs 300. Yes! At Gikomba you can get clothings of all types and all prices. You can find clothing for as less as Kshs 10 which can fetch Kshs 50 or higher. Imagine if you buy ten good quality shirts at Kshs 100 each then sell them for twice the price? That’s 100% profit. You can grow your stock by reinvesting profits and the cycle continues. To maximize on profits, mix your products. Sell clothing for all age groups and gender. It is not that hard scaling this business.

6. Shoe Shining and Cobbler Services
This is one of the most looked down upon professions in Kenya. But it is among the best small business ideas you can start with guarantee of making profit. All you need is a stool and tools of trade. If well positioned in a place full of traffic, you stand to make as much as Kshs 1,000 or more per day. Some shoe shiners have gone as much to set up professional shoe shining stalls where they charge Kshs 50.

As much as it is looked down upon, shoe shining and cobbler services can turn out to be a great business venture. If you believe in the saying Kazi ni Kazi then this can be a great way of sustaining yourself. You can do it for some time as you look for other alternatives.

7. Fruit Vending
Vending of fruits such as avocado, mangoes, oranges, water melon and bananas is profitable. A budget of Kshs 1,000 is enough to kick start this business venture. You can get fruits from a local market near you. Package fruits well and either set up a stand or hawk them around. You will be surprised how much money fruit vendors make in a day. The key is to positioning your business in a place with customers. The best place is next to the main roads of the area. You can diversify your products by coming up with fruit juice and fruit salad which sells well.

8. Fast Food
To many, fast food means a joint as big as Pizza Inn or Altonas. On the contrary fast food simply means fast food! Some prefer calling it junk food due to the high cholesterol, sugar and fats associated with it. Fast food means a snack you can grab while in a hurry. This type of business can be set up anywhere and on any scale. You can start fast food business in your locality. You’ve noticed people in the estates or on the sides of roads selling fast foods like chips. You too can do the same.

With your small budget, you can sell bhajia, chips, viazi karai, samosa, eggs, and sausages. The list of fast foods is endless. All you need is equipment to cook like a jiko and a frying pan, and a stand. Your business will expand slowly as you continue reinvesting in it. Cleanliness is key to the prosperity of fast food so make sure your joint is always squeaky clean.

9. Online Freelancing
Online freelancing provides employment for more than a hundred thousand youths in Kenya. It is easy to start and can be started with no capital for those with internet access and a computer. However, one needs to invest mentorship if they are to scale fast in the online writing business. There are many mentors out there who can train you on this business and give you the tools to start. Some of the mentors will charge you a fee to train you. Others will train you for free then give you jobs where they will deduct their training fees. You can get free mentorship at Ajira Digital platform or one of the centers countrywide.

10. Brokering
You can become an online product broker. You need to have a product supplier who can give you products either on credit or a discounted fee. The next step is getting the right pictures to advertise the products online. Once you’ve secured a client you can forward the client to the supplier or deliver the product to the client. You can operate this business even without a capital. As long as you can get a supplier to agree to your terms, you are good to go! There are many online who broker phones and once you want to buy they take you to the vendor and receive their cut. It is as simple as that.

Business motivation

Business people, how are you? I have a solution to some of your problems. Many people wonder why they never have enough money to do things they want yet they have been in business for years. They only have enough money for food, rent, fees and a very little left over for saving.

This is what may be your problem. The business you are engaged in has a small profit margin. That is, inakubakishia pesa kidogo sana. Maybe you sell fruits na ndizi moja ndio profit yako. May be 5bob or 10bob. Maybe you have a shop and your profit is a few shillings. Ask yourself, how many units do you have to sell to get 1K profit a day?? That would be so much na considering sio wewe tu unauza that product or service, you can’t make it. Solution iko hapa.

Stop being comfortable with that little profit! Change your mindset. Be motivated to make more money. This can only be achieved by eliminating the middle man. Middle man ni yule wholesaler ama broker you get your stock from. Tafuta kwenye yeye huendea vitu. For example, kama uko kwa green grocery business start finding how watu wa kwenyu ushago can be sending you the products by matatu unachukua early in the morning. Kama wewe uko na shop go online kwa website ya manufacturers, call them and ask if they can be delivering to you directly. Instead of buying that sack of sugar, box of soap or detergent kwa wholesaler ukuwe unaletewa kwako.

Unless you discover how to get the middle man out and maximum your profit, kwa business you will never make it. Myself I can never get into a business that the profit isn’t almost the same as the price of the commodity. My story is short. When I was getting into side hustles, I started biz ya kuuza simu na accessories. My aunt was my supplier. I was so determined to start my own import business ya accessories za simu ndio nikuwe napata pesa mzuri. I told my aunt to teach me how to import akakataa.

She happened kupewa mtoi nikiwa leave ya job so nikamshikilia kidogo. Nilifuatana na receipts and other paperwork calling numbers on the receipts until I learnt how to import. Nowadays I import, I sell at wholesale and retail and still make good money. My friend na yeye got employed kwa kuku. Akaona ziko na pesa but his boss wasn’t serious akawacha job and started his own. Na yeye akaamua to maximize the profit. Kwa supplier if you buy over 500kgs of chicken unauziwa 290sh per kg. He took the risk and nowadays he sells the chicken as a wholesaler but most zinapikwa kwa fast food joints zake. Imagine buying at 290sh per kg then sell the same chicken at 500 bob? Na yeye juu ni mjanja full chicken anauza 450. Quarter anauza 115bob. Minus all expenses the guy is making money.

People, accept to never be at peace until u know how you can maximize your profits. Be fired up, restless and aggressive. Usikubali kuskia negative things people tell you. Ukikosa someone to guide you then do it yourself. Some people are lazy and wants to be spoonfed. Anataka akae hapo you explain to him/her how you import stuff or who supplies you. Utangoja hadi yesu arudi coz some people will never tell you. There will be challenges but kama umeamua nothing can stop you…

How to make homemade liquid soap

Multi purpose liquid detergent:
Ufacid…….. 500g
Caustic. 75g
Industrial salt 1kg
Colour. 5g
Perfume 25cc
Sodium benzoate/Formaline. 25cc
CDE 250g.

This formula is for making 20litre liquid soap.

Procedure: put Ungarol, salt, ufacid, caustic, color, perfume, cde in a bucket of 20 liters and koroga until the paste is fine.add some water as you koroga.keep adding water until the content is 20 litres and thick. Don’t touch Formaline, caustic and ufacid with naked hands.

Hair shampoo
20 liters:
Ungarol. 1.5kg
Industrial salt 1kg
Sodium benzoate/Formaline. 25cc
Cde. 250g
Perfume. 25cc
Colour. 5gms
Pearlizer. 250g

Use the same format just like multi purpose liquid detergent for preparation

Hair conditioner:

CSA. 600gms
GMS. .. 200gms
Centrimide. 70gms
White oil. 300ml
Glycerine. 200ml
Sodium benzoate/Formaline. 25cc
Perfume. 25cc
Colour (optional).

Heat water 100 degres centigrade
Put all the ingredients in a 20 litre bucket.pour the hot water and stir non stop until its dissolved. Continue kukoroga non stop until its uji like. Continue adding hot water as you stir until its 20 liters

Jik (bleaching agent)

Sodium bicarbonate. 1.5kg
Caustic soda. 400gms
Chlorine. 35percent 2kg
Perfume 25cc

Put all the raw materials together and mix thoroughly

Carpet shampoo:

Butyl glycol. 1.5kg
Cde. 500g
Ungarol 1.5kg
Salt. 1kg
Colour. 10gm
Perfume. 25cc
Sodium benzoate/Formaline. 25cc

How to make ,jik ,bar soap , liquid soap, fabric softener

Formulars for making jik, soap, fabric softener etc.
Granules for softner. Boil 5 ltrs of water mix the granules.till all.dissolved. add remaining 5 ltrs cold water. Add perfume and preservatives and colour. THIS IS FOR 10 LTRS
Bleach aka jik/distainer. Ingredients -chroline,magadi n caustic.. this is for 20 ltrs but makes upto 25ltrs depending on how concentrated you want it. Mix all content with water and stir till you get a milky chalky mixture and leave. After 5 or so hours stir the mixture. In the evening stir again and in the morning. Do this for 3 days you will eventually get a very clear liquid on day 3. Sieve using a cloth to rid any residue.
Disnfectant-ungarol-1/2kg,np9-1kg,salt-1kg,pefume,colour n preservative.
Mix the first 3 ingredients with 2 litres of water. Once all are dissolved add the rest of the water. In this case was doing 20 ltrs so add 18 ltrs of water. Stir and add the rest of ingredients and colour
ungarol 1.5kg,cde 1/2,pearlized 1/4, caustic soda,colour,perfume,preservatives,glycerene n salt.
The procedure for making shower gel.is exactly as that of multipurpose detergent and the only variation is the glycerine, cde and pearlised liquid. Once the soda os mixed in ungarol and smooth add all other ingredient execept colour and perfume. Add your water to content add colour perfume
Caustic soda,Ufacid, Industrial.salt, STPP, Ungarol, Perfume, HCL 2ltrs, Colour
Put 8 ltrs of water in a bucket. Add caustic soda and Ufacid and stir, Add industrial salt and STPP and stir till all is smooth, Add ungarol and stir completely till all the Gel is dissolved. Add the perfume at this stage, Once all.is dissolved add the HCL. HCL has fumes like crazy so please cover your nose and mouth and make sure none spills on you but once it mixes with the othe ingredients its ok. Stir completly and leave it. Colour is added after 3 hours. Your Harpic is ready
• Multipurpose
-ungarol 1kg,ufacid-1/2,salt-1kg,colour,caustic,stabilizer,booster,perfume n preservative.
Put 2 ltrs water in a bucket add ungarol, industrial salt and ufacid. Mix to a smooth paste and all granules dissolved. Add caustic soda stabilizer and booster. Mix in well then add 18 ltrs of water and mix. Add colour preservertive and perfume and stir and allow to settl


I feel it important to share about this journey which I came to realize led to a mental health issue but I realized it several years after overcoming it.
I did my KCPE in the year 1997 at Kamurunyu primary school in Nakuru and I scored way below the average that I didn’t get admission letter to any Secondary School. Fortunately, at the end of February 1998 a neighbor helped me get an opportunity to join Bavuni Secondary School and though it was a great achievement and opportunity it gave way to another long term problem that would later affect my life psychologically. These are the problems:-
1. Bullying. I joined the school at the end of February and other classmates had joined at mid-January and having gone through their phase of bullying most of them treated me as a fresh mono so I was not only victimized by the other classes but also fellow classmates. It wasn’t easy. I had to use any means to get protection this included sacrificing my lunch and at some point being used by some form three guys to peddle drugs into school.
2. Poor academic performance. Have you ever scored 0% in Mathematics, Physics and Biology? It happened to me in First term. I looked stupid, I felt Stupid until I started behaving stupid. I remember Mr Machua asking me, “Young man, wewe ulikujaje huku?” Yani I lived a dull life and started believing I will never make it and never amount to anything. I remember a certain lady trying to help me learn how to use a logarithm table and at some point she looked at me, wept and said, “Khai, wewe unaeza saidika kweli. Unahitaji tu mungu wewe?” Logarithm was Greek to me. Insha and Composition am sure none of the teachers ever read the whole of them. They were messy with big ‘Untidy work’, ‘Improve on your handwriting’ feedbacks…I felt an outcast. I was poor in question tags I remember the class teacher telling me to put a question tag after ‘You are very beautiful’ and I respond ‘ I , I ?’.. . My friend, people laughed like crazy. He said again, ‘I am coming’, I responded, ‘comingn’t I’. He left the class immediately shaking his head and went to the staffroom. Most dull students have a way of making jokes out of it or shining in other areas like noise making, sports etc but for me I found myself numb and living a lonely life. Ushamalizwa self esteem unakaa Zombie? Do you know what it means being position 39 out of 39 in class? You feel like you are in a certain prison and all odds against you.
3. Poverty. Do you know poverty, have you ever experienced the better version of it? Have you ever taken a piece of Ugali with boiled cassava leaves? Do you know how strong tea(without enough tea leaves and sugar) and no accompaniment can be taken for breakfast? Do you know what it means going to school having not brushed your teeth, no soap to wash and no even Arimis for your face. I will not mention how my sisters survived. Going back home every week because of school fees and several days you go back to school with Ksh 200. There is something called meal card that ensured I starved almost throughout in school but thank God to Gathigia and Jose who were our cooks they always gave me task to fetch water and wash Sufurias in the School kitchen during break and games time and would reward me with some left over Githeris.
One evening while going home with some classmates (Otan, Modibo, Mak-U and others), it rained heavily and because of the clay soil my shoe sole came out and so I had to carry the shoe and folded the trouser. On our way home I met some women who happened to be my neighbors and they stopped, looked at me and sympathized and one of them told me, “Kabugua, thina nduri miri wihe hinya.” I wasn’t able to respond. I felt ashamed, embarrassed and left my friends because of the pain I felt within and to be honest at some point I started shedding tears knowing very well even 5 shillings to repair the shoe could not be afforded. That night the woman came home with one of her shoe(dark green wedge ladies shoe) and thank God it did fit me and so I used it for a better part of my schooling. May God bless her.
4. Being the shortest in class. Do you know how it feels to be called a dwarf, Nikobey, Zakayo, atom, kadot, Kambugus by even primary school kids. They would laugh at me. I don’t know how I happened to be the shortest in the whole school but one thing that I later did is praying and fasting to grow tall. I would cry and cry to God and for sure my current height was obtained through a spiritual battle. Yani the whole school no girl would dare be my friend because of my situation and it really crushed my ego and self-esteem.

5. A lot of medical problems ranging from regular mild headaches to flu, panic disorder, gastro intestinal problems etc . Usha guruma tumbo every day kwa class sababu ya mawazo na stress… so embarrassing kwanza when doing exams.

6. Family Conflicts. Am glad I was not brought up by any drunk parent. Most of them messes up the destinies of their children. There is another problem though. If the man of the house is not able to provide for the family sometimes he will be affected psychologically and end up worsening the situation. He will react to things and end up causing more harm eg take a loan to help solve the problem and end up losing the property after being unable to pay the loan. This might end up having serious consequences. I was a victim of such dramas and chaos and they affected me a big deal. I would face my parents and threaten to kill myself and I remember at some point I told them face on that I did not apply to be born by them. Most of us blame our parents for our problems but we should rather take responsibility and encourage them to fight it out together. Let them know you understand and appreciate their effort and promise to play your part.

7. Rejection. Have you even been in a situation where no one ever recognizes or appreciate you, Teachers hate you, students hate you, young boys along the road victimize you, nothing working for you. Honestly even neighbors dogs could sense me from far and come over to deal with me. Let me not share some of the rejection experience because you won’t believe it.

All these seriously affected my self-esteem and at some point I got myself into drugs and immediately we joined form 2 in 1999 I dropped out of school and that is where my life got messed up for four good years until I gave my life to Christ and went back to school in 2004. My character changed and I started living a lonely life, abusing drugs and doing crazy things to create attention. I remember one time I burnt a house somewhere. Most people would see me walk from home(Murunyu) through Mariguine, Umoja, Lanet, Free area, town and back home on foot carrying a saw and hammer I don’t know which spirit was that. I would go to Menengai crater and spend the whole day there waiting to see Satan hoping he would give me wealth. I would spend the whole night listening to Metro FM and not sleep. I remember there was a time I went for 4 nights without sleep just listening to Reggae whole night. This was a serious problem. At some point I started weight lifting and later I realized it was part of the mental problem. NB, Some of the people you see bleaching their skin, working out to keep fit etc are going through a psychological problem because of rejection and low self-esteem.
My recovery process was easier because :-
1. I gave my life to Christ and by the help of the Holy spirit there was a great inner transformation. Praying, fasting and meditating on the word of God did great to me. It gave me life, hope, peace and the joy that comes from the Lord. It is hope that keeps us going. God’s peace is greater than what the world can offer. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
2. I took personal responsibility of my life. I decided to never blame my parents, government, uncles, situations or anyone for my problems. I became my own cheer leader and number one fan. I worked hard, got some cash, went to look for a school and did odd jobs all through to pay for my school fees until I cleared form four. By the time you realize your dad was right and genuine you will have a son who think you are wrong and is not doing much to improve his current environment. Avoid giving pressure to other people and to your parents. Take responsibility of your life. You can do without them.
3. I got great friends who helped me through. Friends who were positive and great achievers and so they mentored me through. I love surrounding myself with people who are working on their passions, talking about their passions, just all around passionate people. Passion is contagious, it’s a strong magnetic energy and you can actually feel it pulling you in when it’s present. Friends who stir the seed of greatness in you. Friends who appreciates your baby steps and cheer you up. All people feel better and do better when you give them attention, affirmation, and appreciation.
Having gone through all these and overcame them, these are my recommendations to you who could be going through a difficult path: –

a) Life really does get a lot better when you stop minding so much how you are perceived and focus on improving yourself. Handle your life like the game of darts, golf or javelin not like football or rugby. You are the one to make it count not a team work. Work on yourself, Be Disciplined. Study hard. Get mentors. Save and invest. Focus. Be determined. Be diligent.
b) Don’t allow yourself to speak to yourself in ways you wouldn’t accept from anyone else! Be positive, Cheer yourself Up and always see the bigger picture of the person you wish to be. Set your mindset right. Put up a champion stamina and spirit knowing you are more than a conqueror.
c) In your pyramid of niceness, you should be TOP. Accept the faults in you and those surrounding your life then work out to improve and make them better. Turn the scars into stars. Take responsibility of improving your current situation. If you feel depressed are aren’t working it out. You aren’t depressed, you are stupid.
d) Persevere, Endure, Be patient, persistent and aggressive in improving your life. It surely will not change overtime but every day do something that will count. We live in a delusion where we want to make progress without it being hard. The Pap and Microwave generation. That’s never going to happen. Discomfort is necessary. Start building your tolerance. Work on your way up step by step. Baby steps count – what actually matters is you’re making moves day by day and soon you will be flying.
e) Anything that is human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. Have some few trusted friends who are honest and willing to hold your hands. They are there and actually I have found friends in my life who have cheered me up and have watched me go far past them and they still keep on cheering and supporting me even in prayers. They make your support system. If you have such friends and family, then you are rich.
f) Don’t be in denial. Kama ni mbaya ni mbaya. Accept you are in a mess and shout for help. Someone is listening and is ready to help. We must face the fears that scare us the most, for failure to do so will result in them taking over our lives. Acceptance is a HUGE part of our healing because once we accept things for what they are we are no longer in denial. When you are no longer in denial you have nothing to fight against.
g) Set your mindset right. Be positive. Be a POSSICAN(Possible and Can be) person not an IMPOSSICANT(Impossible and can’t be done) person. A hero in which you can find a zero, yet still bestow upon the title of hero, is a true hero indeed. There is a hero in you. There is a great potential that requires to be unleashed. The devil knows this very well and that is why he fights the potential in you because he knows there is a seed of greatness in you.

My summary is a slogan that I call DIPTHA
I. Desire – Have a serious desire to succeed and be great. Nothing will stop you.
II. Imagination – Imagine yourself becoming great. Have intentions to change the status quo and Inspire yourself to rise up high.
III. Perception – Create a bigger picture of the person and outcome you want to be/achieve and start living it now.
IV. Thirst – Be thirsty of success and greatness
V. Hunger – Be hungry for success and pursue it.
VI. Appetite – Having a deep craving for change and prosperity. Aspire to be something/somewhere and take step from now.
Finally I went back to school and in form two first term I got a grade D(Dundori Donkey Dancing a Dandora Ndomboro Dance) but I kept fighting and scored A in my KCSE. This guy who got 0% in Maths, Physics and Biology got A in almost all the subjects apart from English(B-) and Business studies(B+). This guy who couldn’t understand Logarithm table went to one of the best universities in Kenya and Pursued Pure Economics and came out with a Second Class Honours, This guy whose composition was Mathogothanio has written several best-selling motivational books and this young man who didn’t understand anything in biology later was awarded as the best First Aid instructor in the region in the year 2016. Nothing is impossible.
Take responsibility of your life. Stop blaming people, government, circumstances, parents, uncles etc. Cheza kama wewe. Run your race, Keep up the momentum and stick to your lane. If you have got God, Time and Yourself you can absolutely achieve anything. Get up and keep moving!

In 2002, Mwai Kibaki inherited a dead economy, cattle tracks for roads, a disillusioned population, collapsed healthcare and millions of children outside school

In 2002, Mwai Kibaki inherited a dead economy, cattle tracks for roads, a disillusioned population, collapsed healthcare and millions of children outside school.

He appointed probably the most talented cabinet in the country’s history, gave them the mandate to work and everyone went out to deliver.

The biggest crisis would have been the free primary education, because a million extra children turned up at school gates just five days after Kibaki was sworn. He didn’t even have a cabinet yet. But as soon as Prof George Saitoti was named Education Minister, he put on gumboots and went into the hills, valleys and plains admitting children into dilapidated classrooms as he sought multilateral help to build classes.

Raila Odinga as Roads Minister was reclaiming road reserves and building roads faster than you could say “Tinga!” He ended up with the biggest infrastructure renaissance in the country’s history.

Kalonzo Musyoka as Foreign Affairs Minister was running in capitals restoring faith in the new Kenya.

Charity Ngilu as Health Minister was chasing away cartels from Afya House and sending resources to hospitals.

Kiraitu Murungi as Justice Minister was sending corrupt judges home and recalibrating the judiciary.

David Mwiraria at Treasury was stabilising the financial markets and bringing back investment into the country.

Anyang’ Nyong’o at Planning was putting his considerable weight in tandem with Mwiraria to bring back stability and growth.

Mukhisa Kituyi at Trade was the face of Kenya in the multilateral and bilateral world.

Nobody had time to blame Moi. Nobody wanted to know how deep a hole Moi had left. It was a country with no direction.

We got out of the hole because the government looked FORWARD and the cabinet WORKED.

The problem with Lootall and Gachietha is not any hole Uhuru left. It is that Lootall is INCOMPETENT and loves INCOMPETENT people. The problem with Kenya Kwanza is that everyone is a crude talker, like village drunks. Gachafua, Imani Gachungwa, Directionless Duale…they all just talk. Small mentality.

With these UDA rulers, Kenya is like a person who has caught a bad strain of super gonorrhoea then takes it to the bicycle repair man at the village trading centre for treatment.

It is not the means of exit from earth that matters but the destination.Live simply!

Dr. Ben Carson (Retired world renowned neurosurgeon) wrote this beautiful piece:

Sometimes you are unsatisfied with your life, while many people in this world are dreaming of living your life.
A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead and dreams of flying. But, a pilot on the plane sees the farmhouse and dreams of returning home. That’s life!! Enjoy yours.
If wealth is the secret to happiness, then the rich should be dancing on the streets. But only poor kids do that.
If power ensures security, then officials should walk unguarded. But those who live simply, sleep soundly.
If beauty and fame bring ideal relationships, then celebrities should have the best marriages. But those who live simply, love genuinely!

Man asks, “Where was God when Myles Munroe, wife and his associates were killed in a crash? He answers, “The same place I
sat when John the Baptist my servant was beheaded…I
have not moved from my position.”

It is not the means of exit from earth that matters but the destination.

Live simply!

Top 10 Lessons learned From The Book -“Range“

Top 10 Lessons learned From The Book -“Range“

  1. Society values specialization

You’ve likely heard the story of Tiger Woods dad teaching him to golf since he could walk.

Meanwhile, pro tennis player Roger Federer was encouraged to play many sports growing up.

Roger’s story isn’t as well known because he didn’t specialize

  1. Stories of specialization are so popular because:
  • Child prodigies make great news stories
  • People believe in the 10,000 hour rule
  • It sparks controversy between talent being genetic or learned

All reasons people believe specialization is THE way.

  1. Kind environments

In kind environments like chess or golf:

  • All information is available
  • Common patterns often repeat
  • Feedback is immediate and accurate
  • The only human behaviour is your own.

Problem solving becomes easier.

  1. Wicked environments

In wicked environments like football or hockey:

  • You have imperfect information
  • Situations involve the behavior of others
  • Feedback to your actions is delayed

Problem solving is difficult.

  1. Children develop best when placed in situations and environments that foster a growth mindset, creativity, and lifelong learning.
  2. In today’s world, there are many benefits to being a generalist.

Generalists are better prepared for change. With their diversified skill set, they can easily pivot careers.

  1. Athletes who are better at multiple sports are likely to become the best in their industry.

Their array of skills helps them excel in areas where their competition is weak.

  1. Having a diversified skill set makes you a better problem sovler.

With more experience of the world and how it works, having an array of skills gives you an edge when solving problems.

  1. Early specialization in a field from a young age has its risks.

It’s hard to say if early specialization made athletes like Tiger Woods successful.

Early specialization could have children missing out on other incredible opportunities.

  1. How to develop talent

The best to develop talent is by diversifying within a field and having a patient, fun attitude towards learning.

Developing talent takes times. Provide constructive feedback and a supportive environment to increase the odds of massive talent.

How to be the best performing MCA

1. Make sure that youths, women and men are mobilised to seize available opportunities.
2. Make sure projects are implemented to enhance job creation to help your electorates solve their day today challenges.
3.Make sure your ward had legislative that can uplift your electorates both politically and economically.
4. Make sure that resources allocated to your electorates are distributed fairly.
5. Don’t involve yourself in corruption when doing oversight.
6. Embrace public participation: Don’t neglect your electorates, make sure they have mentorship programs that can empower them. Get intouch with them, strive to be in contact with those who elected you, be approachable and available so that you can consult with those who elected you on issues to implement according to their views.
bottom line: frequently be on the ground.

How to win a political seat in kenya

1.Raise money ,Raise more money

2.Make sure that your family is on board 

3. Resign yourself from hard work , 

4. Have a written plan 

5.Find a winnable office for which to run. – 

6. Pick a side much more often , ie Azimio or Kenya Kwanza

7. Be involved in local party politics 

8.Use quality voters data

9.Adverise in ways that make sense 

10. Survey : Research in an effort to be strategic and resourceful.

11. Check temperature of your campaign,  the middle in never like the beginning and the end is a way different.

12. 1:1 engagement phone calls and door knocks are the most important voter engagement you can make.

13.Go digital 

How to counter attack negative campaign

1. Make a lemonade out of a lemon

2.Get out infront of it and warn voters how the other side is desperate and will be running  a negative campaign in order to fool voters ,watch for it ,when they do people will know it.

3.Question the motivation of the voters side , tell your supporters how the other team is desperate,  and they are doing it because they know they’re losing it.

4.Charge them with failing to communicate with voters: That your opponent has nothing to say except to lie about election.

5.Charge your opponent with running a campaign of lies and distortion backed up by money from cartels.

6. Try to trap your opponent to making an illogical assertion.Then bring your evidence to support your position.

How to win election as a challenger

1.Know who is most likely to beat the incumbent
2.Beggin with discussions ,success and failure
3. Use a series of campaign videos to discuss your policy.
4. Keep the incumbent off guard with the video
5.Direct your strategy to opponent weakness .
6. Take the fight to them
7. If the campaign needs 6000 voters to win ,break it down into a daily or weekly goal.
8. Discuss secrecy with all staffs and volunteers.
9. Think about the need and focus on it.
10. Suprise , catch the incumbent off guard include something that the incumbent doesn’t expect.
11. Use the few resources to keep operation going while concentrating on objectives.
12.Use moosemuss , mass objective ,offensive, simplicity, economy of force , maneuver, unity of command, suppice and security
13. Ignore the opposition completely, only respond to attacks .
14 . State the reasons why the incumbent should not be re elected.
15. Get volunteers to contact voters.

How to challenge and beat an incumbent

1. Get out before the incumbent develop a momentum 

2. Challenge the incumbents records and offer solution / different plan

3. Don’t allow incumbent to  define themselves 

4. Start early : research the incumbents record 

5. Set the agenda: force the incumbent into talking about the issues where he is weak.

6. Tell the audience why you should be elected. 

7.select and define issues on the race 

8. Prepare a good speech ,the speech should contain who you are ,why you’re running for office. What you see as the most important in the campaign and why people should vote for you. See examplehttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=102967632151477&substory_index=0&id=100073147209829&mibextid=Nif5oz

9. Have a campaign team: Ie ,treasurer,  campaign manager

Importance of vaginal lubrication before sex

The body operates with its own secret language. When we’re hungry, our stomachs growl. When we’re sleepy, we yawn. And when we’re turned on … well, our bodies let us know as well. For some people an increase in vaginal lubrication is one of the first signs.

So the question is: Just how important is vaginal lubrication for sex (or sexual activities)?

  • Arousal fluids vs other vaginal fluids. When sexual stimulation occurs, your body naturally secretes a clear and slippery lubrication. This is different from cervical mucus or vaginal discharge.
  • The Bartholin’s glands and their role in sex. These two pea-sized glands are an essential part of both the sexual experience and the reproductive system. The glands produce vaginal lubrication which helps to reduce friction and leads to better sex (and sex toy play and self play!).
  • Causes of vaginal discomfort or pain. Sometimes, even when we’re horny, the body isn’t able to produce enough natural lubrication which can make sex uncomfortable. Common reasons include perimenopause, breastfeeding, certain medications, and more.
  • How to give your lubrication supply a boost. Lube! If you’re trying to conceive, fertility-friendly lube is a great way to improve sex and support the process of conception. Other options include water-based lube, oil-based lube, and silicone-based lube.
  • A supplement a day, keeps the dryness away? Well, that might not be exactly right, but there is some evidence that vitamin E, DHEA, fish oil, and others can help increase vaginal secretion.

What is natural vaginal lubrication and why does it matter?

Vaginal fluid is a window into the complex processes going on inside your body. It varies in color, consistency, and amount depending on phases of the menstrual cycle and other factors.

In this article, we’ll focus on arousal fluids: the clear, slick, and slippery lubrication that’s produced when you’re sexually stimulated. This isn’t to be confused with cervical mucus, which can be used to track ovulation (the phase of your cycle when you’re most likely to get pregnant), or vaginal discharge which is a mix of cervical mucus and oils from vaginal glands.

Not sure how to spot the difference between arousal fluids and cervical mucus? Arousal fluids usually dry up and disappear within one hour.

The goal of arousal fluids? To moisten the vagina and help reduce friction. Said another way, it’s the body’s way preparing for sexual activity. And we can’t forget to give a shoutout to the Bartholin glands: two pea-sized glands flanking the vaginal opening that generate mucus and vaginal lubrication in preparation for sexual activity.

What happens when vaginal lubrication needs a boost?

Sometimes, the body isn’t able to produce enough natural lubrication. This is totally normal, and there are a number of reasons you might not be “wet” even if you feel turned on.

One reason your body might not generate a sufficient amount of natural lubrication is called “arousal non-concordance.” It’s a term from sex educator Emily Nagoski for when your subjective experience of arousal (aka, how turned on you feel) doesn’t line up with your body’s response to a sexy situation. Put another way, it’s totally possible to be turned on, and not wet. When this happens, lube is a great tool for increasing pleasure and comfort.

There are also specific time periods when vaginal dryness is more likely to occur. During the postpartum period and breastfeeding, estrogen levels are known to decrease. Prolactin, a hormone that’s responsible for maintaining a healthy milk supply while breastfeeding, can suppress your estrogen levels — resulting in less lubrication.

Vaginal dryness is also a hallmark of perimenopause — the time that leads up to menopause, which is defined as when you’ve gone 12 months without a period. The average age of menopause in the developed countries is 51, but symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness can begin up to 10 years before you’re officially menopausal. Personal lubricants have shown to be an effective treatment option for relieving sexual discomfort or pain, especially for people who have conditions that are incompatible with estrogen therapy. Sometimes, additional treatment is needed and vaginal estrogen replacement cream can be extremely helpful.

Personal lubricant is available in liquid and gel forms to help reduce discomfort or dryness during sex; this could mean intercourse, sex toy play, or masturbation.

So what are your options?

If you’re considering pregnancy now or in the future, you might want to try a fertility-friendly lube (also known as “gamete, fertilization, and embryo compatible” personal lubricants). Fertility-friendly lubes don’t *increase* your chances of getting pregnant. Rather they’re specifically formulated to create a more conducive environment for sperm to swim, and are pH balanced to help protect sperm.

Other lube categories include:

Water-based lube. Think of this as an introduction to the world of lube. Easy to find, use, and clean up, water-based lube is a great option. It’s safe for intercourse, but does tend to dry up quickly so you’ll likely need to reapply.

Silicone-based lube. This category of lube usually lasts longer than water-based lube and is safe for use with condoms. However, it should avoided when using sex toys that also contain silicone as it can destroy the device.

Oil-based lube. Oil-based lube is a solid choice for longevity, but there are some negatives. It can clog pores, stain fabric, and is said to weaken latex so this type of lube should be avoided if you’re using condoms. (Condoms help protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and not using them can put you at risk of contracting a STI.)

Are there any science-backed ways to increase natural vaginal lubrication?

It seems like there’s a supplement for everything, so you may find yourself wondering if that includes vaginal dryness. Turns out there is some research linking supplements, such as vitamin D and DHEA, to female lubrication but more data is needed to prove this theory.

A recent systemic review on the effect of Vitamin D on vaginal health found that vitamin D (both oral supplements and suppositories) decreased dryness and improved vaginal health during menopause. Another small study had similar findings among older women.

Researchers have also studied vitamin E and fish oil as supplements for increasing female lubrication. One small study found that a vitamin E  could improve symptoms of vaginal atrophy (defined as inflammation, dryness, and thinning of the vaginal walls).

And we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone — a hormone involved in estrogen production. DHEA naturally declines with age and there are studies investigating its role in improving female lubrication and reducing dryness.

The bottom line

Arousal fluids are the body’s way of preparing for sexual activity. This specific type of vaginal lubrication is clear, wet, and slippery; however, there are circumstances — such as menopause and breastfeeding — which can influence production. The good news is that lube and even some supplements may be helpful resources to get your body and mind on the same page. As always, we suggest speaking with your healthcare provider for resources on how to best support your sexual health needs.


A prolonged dry periodin the climate cyclethat can occur anywhere. Itsa sow -onsetdisaster
characterized by the ack of precipitation,resulting in water shortage
NUTRITION ; The process of obtainingor providing the food necessary for human growth

1.A meteorological drought occurs when rainfal is less than average over a significant period,often a month.
2.An agricultura drought is considered to be taking pace when a lack of rainfalleads to a decline in soil moisture affecting pastures and rainfed crops. A good way to visuaizean agricultural
drought is to showrainfallrecords and vegetation on maps.
3.A hydrologica drought occurs when a meteorologica drought significantly reduces the availability of water resources in rivers, lakes and underground. Currently, except in a few places (Northern, Eastern and Western Cape and pockets of Limpopo) there is not yet a hydrological drought in South Africa.
So the immediate drought problems that need to addressed are those affecting the
country’s farmers, not those affecting municipa water supply. Although there are places where domestic water supply is problematic, only a few of these are due to drought and most are duetomismanagement and poor planning
Disaggregating the effects by food group, demonstrate that household diets become less balanced as a result of droughts: the dry shock eads households to rely primarily on cereals and to purchase less vegetables, fruits, pulses, and animalsourced foods. Hence, droughts negatively impact not ony the quantity but also the quality of rura household diets
Drought diminishesdietary diversityand reduces overall food consumptionand may thereforeead to micronutrient deficiencies. Droughtand the consequent of loss of livelihoodsis also a major triggerfor
population movements especially rural to urbanmigration. Populationdisplacementcan lead to increase in communicable diseases and poor nutritional statusresulting from lack of safe water ,food and sheter Increases in drought with gobal cimate change will decrease plant growth, thereby decreasing food production in both natural ecosystems and agricultural systems. As plants are the main source of food for most humans , increases in drought will increase human hunger, and this will be exacerbated by
population growth . In addition, drought, heat stress, and high CO2all tend to decrease the
concentration of most nutrients in plant tissue The proportion of humanity suffering from malnutrition, which is caused by insufficient quantity or quaity of food (especially protein, vitamins, and mineral nutrients) ,is likely to increase in the coming decades due to climate change
Severe drought conditions can negatively affect air quaity. During drought, there is an increased risk for wildfires and dust storms. Particulate matter suspended in the air from these events can irritate the bronchial passages and lungs. This can make chronic respiratory ilnesses worse and increase the risk for respiratory infections like bronchitis and pneumonia.
The health implications of drought are numerous and far reaching. Some drought-related health effects
are experienced in the short-term and can be directly observed and measured. However, the slow rise or chronic nature of drought can result in longer term, indirect health implications that are not always
easy to anticipate or monitor.
Exposure to drought moderates the association between measures of food insecurity and psychological distress, generaly increasing the distress evel. Climate adaptation strategies that consider social,nutrition and health impacts are needed.


Technology ; the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible
way.The products resulting from efforts including both tangible tools such as machines and
intangible one’s such as software

  • Artificial intelligence : stimulation of human intelligence by computer systems
  • Information Technology : use of computer systems
  • Entertainment Technology :aims at providing better entertainment experiences to users
    through science and technology
  1. Emotional and behavioral issues
    Children may have an overwhelming desire to emulate their peers
  2. Exposure to explicit content
    The amount of explicit information available on the internet is surprising, with unsupervised access to technology will as a result have much easier access as most sites do not have age restrictions
  3. Weakened social skills
    Children on this generation tend to play online games ,access websites ,continuous use of
    technological devices can restrict the development of basic interaction skills
    Monitor behavioral change in your children
    In behavior monitoring , a person analyzes patterns such as frequency of identified risk incidents
    ,which indicate whether behavior exceeds a specified base line
    Tip : parents should control what their children watch , this would prevent them from viewing
    illicit content which leads to bad morals
    Getting the most out of your one on one time with the children
    Children spend most of their time on electronic gadgets such as television ,this will make them
    addicted to the gadget that they do not get enough time for verbal interaction with their parents
    Tip : parents should take gadgets away from them so that they can spend most of their time in
    verbal interaction
    Being a good role model



(1). Once all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer, all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. That is faith.

(2). When you throw babies in the air, they laugh because they know you will catch them. That is trust.

(3). Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but still we set the alarms to wake up. That is hope.

(4). We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future. That is confidence.

(5). We see the world suffering, but still, we get married and have children. That is love.

(6). On an old man’s shirt was written a sentence ‘I am not 80 years old; I am sweet 16 with 64 years of experience.’ That is attitude.

Have a happy day and live your life like these six stories. Remember – Good friends are the rare jewels of life, difficult to find and impossible to replace!!


Peanut butter Over Margarine

Peanut butter ;a food paste or spread made from ground ,dry roasted peanuts.It contains additional ingredienys that modify the taste such as salt,sweetners or emulsifiers

Margarine ; a spread used for flavoring ,baking and cooking:its most often used as a substitute for butter.It was originaly made from amimal fat .

The basic method of making matgarime today consists of emulsifying ,a blend of oils and fats from vegetable and animal sources,which can be modified ising fractionation,interesterification or hydrogenation with skimmed milk which may be fermemted or sourced ,salt or lactic acid

In 100grams amount of margarine ,provides 628 calories and is composed of 70% fat ,2%carbohydrates ,26% water and neglible protein.Unless fortified with micronutrients during manufacturing ,there are no nutrients in significant content.Vitamin A ans Vitamin D may be added for fortification (USDA Database entry)


Proteins may either be

Fibrous (structural) : insoluble and forming the structure of skin ,muscles ,tendons and hair.
Globular : soluble protein including enzymes to promote biochemical reactions in the body.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is a modest 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. The RDA is the amount of a nutrient you need to meet your basic nutritional requirements. In a sense, it’s the minimum amount you need to keep from getting sick — not the specific amount you are supposed to eat every day.

For some people, there may be potential benefits of higher daily protein intake to preserve muscle mass and strength. How and when you consume protein might also influence its effectiveness. Some studies described in the summit reports suggest that protein is more effective if you space it out over the day’s meals and snacks, rather than loading up at dinner like many Americans do.




Biotechnology and extension of shelf life in food.

Biotechnology can be used to convert nonedible and perishable food item to palatable and longer shelf life food, which is safe and of high quality in terms of nutrition and physicochemical and sensory properties.

This is possible through preventing the growth of unwanted toxin-producing microorganisms naturally present in foods, production of antimicrobial agents to kill undesirable putrefactive microorganisms.

New techniques employed to extend the shelf life of agricultural products include:

1.Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP), which substitutes the atmospheric air inside a package with a protective gas mix to help extend product freshness.

2.Controlled Atmosphere Storage (CAS) where the concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen,as well as the temperature and humidity of a storage room are regulated.

3.Cold Chain Technology (CCT), which is an unbroken temperature – controlled supply chain that carries produce through uninterrupted series of refrigerated production, storage and distribution steps.

4.Thermal Post harvest Treatments, such as a hot water dip, saturated water vapour heat or hotdry air. These are linked to a reduction in chilling and a delay in the ripening process and can also kill insects and delay the onset of fungal decay.

5.Edible coatings which are thin external coatings applied to the surface of fresh produce. They help prevent moisture loss on the surface of produce during post harvest storage, and function as gas barriers which slow respiration, aging and enzymatic oxidation.

Temperature, humidity and packaging tools can be used to monitor and extend the shelf life of the agricultural products. Temperature tools include thermometers, thermos-hygrometers and devices to measure product firmness and sugar content

Packaging tools

They include different types of modified atmosphere,commonly employed method injects oxygen,carbon dioxide and nitrogen into pallet covers which results in modification of air surrounding the agricultural products. Alternatively additives can be directly incorporated into pallet wraps covering the product e.g ethylene adsorption packaging.

● Temperature and humidity monitoring tools, as well as ethylene packaging tools have significantly contributed to increasing shelf life of agricultural products and minimizing loses

Warnings of Long Time Sex Tablets

Long Time Sex Tablet is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. It can cause serious harm to your unborn child, so do not take this medicine without consulting a doctor if you are pregnant or planning to conceive.

Long Time Sex Tablet is not safe for people with heart disease, high blood pressure, and liver disease (especially non-alcoholic fatty liver). Do not take Long Time Sex Tablets if you have any of these conditions, as they can further damage the body.

How oral medications differ”

Although they work in similar ways, each oral medication has a slightly different chemical makeup. These minor differences affect the way each medication works, such as how quickly it takes effect and wears off, and the potential side effects. Your doctor will consider these factors as well as other conditions you have and possible interactions with other medications you take.

Sildenafil (Viagra). This medication is most effective when taken on an empty stomach one hour before sex. It’s effective for four to five hours or more if you have mild to moderate erectile dysfunction.
Vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn). This medication also is most effective when taken one hour before sex and can be taken with or without food. A high-fat meal might keep it from absorbing as quickly.

Vardenafil is effective for four to five hours or more if you have mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. A newer form of the drug that dissolves on the tongue might work faster than the pill that you swallow.

Tadalafil (Cialis). This medication is taken with or without food about one to two hours before sex. It’s effective for up to 36 hours. It can be taken in a small dose daily or in a larger dose as needed.
Avanafil (Stendra). This medication is taken with or without food 30 minutes before sex, depending on the dose. It lasts up to six hours.
Because these drugs are similarly effective, the American College of Physicians recommends that the choice be based on your preferences, including cost, ease of use, how long the drug’s effects last and side effects. There are generic versions of sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil available.

When oral medications might not be safe
Before taking any medication for erectile dysfunction, get your doctor’s OK. Medications for erectile dysfunction might not work or might be dangerous if you:

Take nitrate drugs — commonly prescribed for chest pain (angina) — such as nitroglycerin (Nitro-Dur, Nitrostat, others), isosorbide mononitrate (Monoket) and isosorbide dinitrate
Have very low blood pressure (hypotension) or uncontrolled high blood pressure (hypertension)
Have severe liver disease
Have kidney disease that requires dialysis
Side effects
Most men who take oral erectile dysfunction medications aren’t bothered by side effects. When side effects do occur, they can include:

Visual changes, such as blue tinge to vision, sensitivity to light or blurred vision
Stuffy or runny nose
Back pain
Rarely, more-serious side effects can occur, including:

Hearing loss or vision loss. Some men have had sudden loss of hearing or loss of vision after taking one of these medications. However, it isn’t clear whether vision or hearing loss was directly caused by taking the medication or by a preexisting condition. If you’re taking an oral erectile dysfunction medication and have sudden loss of hearing or vision, seek prompt medical attention.
An erection that doesn’t go away on its own. Called priapism, this rare condition can be painful and requires medical treatment to avoid damage to your penis. If you have an erection that lasts more than four hours, seek immediate medical attention.
Buying oral erectile dysfunction medications online
Treatments for erectile dysfunction are big business, and online scams abound. If you do buy medications over the internet:

Check to see if an online pharmacy is legitimate. Never order medications from an online pharmacy if there’s no way to contact the pharmacy by phone, if prices seem too good to be true or if you’re told no prescription is necessary. Some illegal businesses sell counterfeit versions of legitimate medications, which can be ineffective or dangerous. In the U.S., the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy can tell you whether an online pharmacy is licensed and in good standing.
Make sure you get the right prescription and dose. When you order medications — and when you receive them in the mail — make sure they’re the exact dose and type prescribed by your doctor.
Don’t be fooled into buying ‘herbal viagra.’ Never take any medications that claim to be the “herbal” or nonprescription equivalent of an oral medication for erectile dysfunction. These aren’t an effective alternative, and some contain harmful substances.

Truths everyone should accept in life

Good sex is a must in long term relationships
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional
You come on people’s priority list according to their own needs
Friends are temporary. Friends become ‘contacts’ or ‘acquaintances’ with time
When people show you who they are, believe them
You don’t deserve anything better than you give
Human beings can never be honest to anybody, not even to themselves
Look for the best in people, expect the worst but look for the best
Hurt people hurt others. Find someone who makes love feel easy
A dog is what happens to you when God is a little too busy to come and save your life

10 Lessons from the book ” The power of your subconscious mind”

10 Lessons From the Book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”

1.You are what you think all day long – good or bad, choice is yours.

2.You have the power to choose – choose wisely – happiness, gratitude, joyous or sadness, ungrateful.

3.Your subconscious mind doesn’t argue with you; it accepts what your conscious mind commands.

4.Your conscious mind is the watchman at the gate to protect your subconscious mind from false impressions.

5.Watch what you say, your subconscious mind can’t take a joke and bring all negative or positive things to pass.

6.Do not let others think for you. Choose your own thoughts.

7.You have the power to choose how will you react.

8.Every thought is a cause and every condition is an effect.

9.Your subconscious knows all the answers.

10.You are the captain of your soul – chose life, love, health and happiness.

10 Lessons from the book ” The power of your subconscious mind”

10 Lessons From the Book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”

1.You are what you think all day long – good or bad, choice is yours.

2.You have the power to choose – choose wisely – happiness, gratitude, joyous or sadness, ungrateful.

3.Your subconscious mind doesn’t argue with you; it accepts what your conscious mind commands.

4.Your conscious mind is the watchman at the gate to protect your subconscious mind from false impressions.

5.Watch what you say, your subconscious mind can’t take a joke and bring all negative or positive things to pass.

6.Do not let others think for you. Choose your own thoughts.

7.You have the power to choose how will you react.

8.Every thought is a cause and every condition is an effect.

9.Your subconscious knows all the answers.

10.You are the captain of your soul – chose life, love, health and happiness.